Meet your..{Chapter 3}

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I woke up to Sabrina and Rowan laughing. I wake up to see her phone on my face and I quickly put mine and Erin face under the covers. "Stop I look hideous." I said and I woke up Erin in the process because she kicked me and said: "You woke me up my dream about my baby now you will pay." She said and tried pushing my off the bed "No need to dream about me I'm right here." I said obviously knowing who she's talking about "not you, my other baby." She said finally stop kicking me "both of you have boyfriends." Rowan screams sounding a bit annoyed "How do middle schoolers get boyfriends before us rowboat." Sabrina said sarcastically pulling the blanket of our faces. "Wow, I've only seen pictures with you guys without makeup you look really pretty without it." I said looking around the room "whereas the others?" I also asked, "went out to get us breakfast and it was our duty to look after you." Rowan said. "Well, my I'm going to wash my face and brush my teeth." I said getting up from bed "I call the bathroom next." Erin yells I laugh

"I'm going to go shower," I said walking towards the bathroom after I've finished my omelet. I go and shower and put on my outfit for the day.(above or to the side) and headed out the bathroom. "Has anyone told you that you can dress?" Peyton m. says looking at my outfit. "This is my 'eh let's just throw this on' outfit, I'm far to lazy to actually get dressed into something nice," I said as Erin walks into the shower. We all wait until everyone is showered and the boys just keep telling us that we need to teach them how to dress. "Erin your outfit is on fleek." Peyton C. Said and Erin and I laughed "don't... ever... say.... that... ever... again. It's embarrassing." I said in between laughs.

It's like 3 pm everyone is packing to head back to L.A except for Sarah and Sabrina they have more meet and greet and interviews to do her first before they leave. "So is everyone packed?" Corey asked everyone nodded their heads "this is where we go our separate ways on separate ubers." Rowan says walking to Sabrina very dramatically "I'm going to miss you guys I don't know if I'll ever see you again." I said hugging the boys with Erin by my side. "you have our number call us whenever you feel down." Peyton C. Says "well miss you too Erin." Everyone except Sarah and Sabrina says "Hey what about me!? I'm important too." I said holding my arms out they laugh and hug me "See you soon Carpenter's our ubers here." Peyton m. Says and we all have one last dramatic exit hug scene. "Our ubers here let's go," Sarah said leading us out of the clean hotel room, yes we cleaned up the hotel room. We nice people Ya know.

"Mom I'm home and I've got visitors," I said as I enter the no longer quiet house, my brother and sister are screaming at each other again. "Hey have fun." She said as she comes out of the kitchen "Yep I had an amazing time." I said going into my now undecorated room "um what happened to my room all my decorations are gone and most of my clothes are gone too." I asked my mom who is standing in the doorway. "Sit down." I sat Erin next me and hold my hand and I just look at our friendship rings. Then Sarah and Sabrina takes a seat as well.

"Okay I have a story to tell you, Erin and Sabrina and Sarah already know it

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"Okay I have a story to tell you, Erin and Sabrina and Sarah already know it." I look at erin then sabrina and Sarah Then I look back at my mom for her to continue. " okay so you're not really my birth sister and appreciate you already know that due to the fact there were two different skin colors so what happened was when you were a baby, dad and mom was at the park I saw you playing and they really miss having a baby around the house because David he was the other time and he was just you know getting it's a lot of trouble and they must have baby around the house. Someone to put his mom and his dad weren't paying attention dataq had all of us get into the car and told us not to say a word me Michael and Gina understood what was going on Mike and David really did not. So from then on he was trying to explain to Mike and David what was actually going on and what we will do to fix it so the plan was for everyone at first was going to take you in and they were all going to do research on how to find your family sadly it took 13 years. Sew in Girl Meets World came out you were talking about how cold Sabrina Carpenter was the last name Carpenter was your last name because in the book bag that you had on your back when we took you and had drawing that you made it those a note saying if you found my child Savannah Carpenter to contact this number. When we tried to contact the number Dad and Mom saw it and they ripped up the paper so we forgot about the paper so ever since you started talking about Girl Meets World I was trying to get hold of Sabrina or Sarah. Would you find reply to one of my DM's and it was really her it was actually her mom telling us the whole store in her where she lost her and we and it messed up so we had this planned for Eric to take you to a Sabrina Carpenter meet and greet you guys were going to hang out at Universal that she was going to bring you here they were going to tell you. So basically now in a month from now because it's just stuff that they need to do down here you're going to move in with them and mom and dad are you got arrested for kidnapped and we didn't get arrested for being accomplices because first forever young age second of all we were trying to help them find you. I know you're probably upset that you're going to be leaving everyone back at Robinswood but it's for the best for you to just give you the rest your life with your family your birth family." By the time she was done telling the story I was in tears. "Thank you so much." I ran up and my 'mom/sister' "thank you for doing this not many people would care but you cared for me enough to help me find them thank you sooo much." I hugged her so tight.

"So we're related." I said slowly wiping away my tears and laughing a little bit. I was still sad that I was going to leave my bestfriend though. "Yeah and we've already told mom that you was going to find out today, we're going home the 16th of September." (Its august 21)Sarah said "I have 1 more month with my bestfriend." I said looking at erin "I have an idea every weekend we are going to spend together. This weekend is at your house then mine then your then the last weekend it going to be at my house." She said starting to cry. I walked over and hugged her "this won't be the last time I see you I promise we will FaceTime everyday text each other, and whenever sabrina has a trip here I'll make sure I'll come by to see you okay. It's a promise." I said crying "I love you savvy" Erin said trying to stop crying. "I love you too, and can I just say we look hideous crying." I said trying to lighten the mood a little bit. It worked too cause now we are just laughing. "Sorry to ruin this moment but I figured you guys wanna hang out a little more bur I'm taking the kids to a kids party and I figured you teens wanna stay home." She said and we nodded and she left the house with the 2 kids. "Where are you guys staying another hotel?" I asked they shook there heads as the put there suitcases I'm my near to empty closet. "The stuff that's already packed away is on its way to you new house in California mom is setting up your room." Sabrina said. "So you need to pick out clothes to last you 1 month and shoes to last you one month then pack the rest away." Sarah added I look in my closet and see what clothes I have and I turn to them "this is other worth of clothes." I said pointing to my closet. They look and nod, "Lets so something bored." Erin said jumping on my bed that doesn't have the same bedspread as it was anymore. I had the bedspread I had back in elementary school.

I didn't like it anymore because it didn't go with decorations from my room now that is on its way to California. "Movie anyone, genie,s brother Mike sent down alot of movies for my birthday." I said bringing out the box sprupisingly it wasn't sent to california. "Just movies or books too cause I see both of the decendants books." Erin said in holding up the 2 and putting it in the box. "Okay... so what movie I have Alice in the Wonderland." I said sabrina cheered and Sarah and erin groaned "don't hate cause its one of the best movies ever made." I remarked and Sab agreed "I have Beauty and the beast, Cinderella, snow white, maleficent-" I was inturupted "MALEFICENT!" the the screamed at me as I out the other movies away and put maleficent into my DVD player. Me and Erin cuddled up Sarah and Sabrina cuddled up and we just watched maleficent, then Alice in the wonderland. We ordered pizza and watched Cinderella then we all eventually went to sleep.

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