New life{Chapter 5}

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5 hours later we are here in Los Angeles California. "The flight is over you may now exit the plain to luggage claim." The flight attendant says and we all exit the plane "was it fun?" Sarah asked and u shrugged my shoulders "better than going to school, speaking of when do I start?" I asked as we headed out of the airport were mom and dad were coming to get us. "Your being home schooled on the Disney set. But we don't go to set until next week so we will be doing school in the office." Sabrina said, "I have to go back and learn 8th-grade math again." I said a little frustrated "again?" Sabrina and Sarah said in unison "yeah I learned 7th-grade math in 6th grade, 8th-grade math in 7th grade and 9th-grade math in 8th. I don't know how math is literally my weakest point." I said, "Well I'm pretty sure since your out of public school and into the home school system already you won't have to worry about it, your scores are automatically transmitted." Sarah said, "Look there here!" Sabrina said as an 8 seater car popped up.

"Why do you have such a big car if only 3 of your 4 kids live with you?" I said getting into the car. "Well hello to you too then, Savvana Ya know I've seen you all 10 years of your life I didn't miss you at all," Dad said in a very sarcastic tone. "Yeah, but can we get this moving cause I have at least 10 boxes of clothes and 3 boxes of shoes to unpack. And I need to sleep in a bed and not in Sarah's shoulder, please." I said, "Yeah you do have A LOT of clothes and shoes, mainly a lot of sneakers." Mom said as dad pulled out of the airport "What I love clothes and shoes, I can't have that love them without them." I said. "She's not wrong. I can't love music without music. I can love acting without acting. I can't love my fans without my fans." Sabrina pointed out "not really I love Savanna without Savanna." Dad said "and I love sin-" Sabrina covered her mouth." I looked confused Sabrina glared at Sarah and slowly removes her hand. I just shook it off. The car ride was just me singing the songs on the radio with mom, Sabrina and Sarah recorded me. "Jessy took your phone off her plan right?" She said I nodded "yeah I tried texting Erin when we landed but it wouldn't send cause it wasn't in service." I said they nodded "later after we sleep because it's 2 am we will get it set up to our phone plan." Dad said as we pulled into this neighborhood with really big and nice houses. "How did I go from a 3 bedroom apartment to a freaking 2 story mansion? Please tell me I would LOVE to know." I said getting out of the car grabbed my bag admiring the house.

"We will give a house tour in the morning right now I'm tired," Sabrina said bringing her bags upstairs. "Okay, good night," I said going into a room with savanna tapped to the door and I just kick off my shoes and go to sleep.

"Savanna wake up breakfast is ready," Sabrina said shaking me. "I'm up." I said pulling the covers off of me "okay." She walks out my room and u follow behind her. I go to the island and sit next to Sarah "morning bug." Dad said messing up my hair."morning what's for breakfast." I said half asleep "French Toast eggs and chocolate milk." The minute I heard chocolate I immediately woke up "CHOCOLATE?" I said she laughed putting a plate in front of my face along with chocolate milk. I take a bite and my stomach felt satisfaction "this is... amazeballs." They laughed and agreed. Once I was done with breakfast I started to wash my plate but mom turned off the water "you go get showered and changed and start unpacking the stuff we didn't and we will give you a house tour and get your phone activated." I nodded and headed back upstairs I opened my room door and I was surprised on how my room looked I didn't pay much attention last night or this morning but I'm in shock. "Like it it, took forever building it." Dad said I laughed "I love it." I turned around and hugged him.

"Sabrina where do I use the bathroom," I said slowly walking into her room. "We are sharing there's a door that connects to the bathroom from your room it's right next to the closet." She said "thanks." I walk back into my room I open a door and it's my walk-in closet "well more closet space so now all my shoes can fit in my closet." I closed the closet door and open another door and it's me and Sabrina's bathroom, I see another door on the other side I guess that's how Sabrina gets in. I lock both doors and start showering. When I'm done I put my converse back on because those are the closest shoes near me.

I start ripping open boxes there is a bin full of hangers next to me I start putting my clothes on hangers until there a knock at my door

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I start ripping open boxes there is a bin full of hangers next to me I start putting my clothes on hangers until there a knock at my door. "Come in," I said putting more clothes in the closet "need help you have only finished with 3 boxes and you have 4 more." Sarah said I shrugged my "doesn't matter to me." I said opening another box. "Okay so you put them on hangers and I hang them up," Sarah said and I nodded.

1hour later
"Finally we are done and it's only 2pm," Sarah said looking at her phone "Yep now help me get these boxes downstairs," I said grabbing 4 boxes and she grabbed 4 boxes leaving 2 boxes. "You're done now house tour time." Sabrina said hopping off the couch "go get the other 2 boxes out of her room." Sarah said putting the boxes in the garage.

(House tour is its own separate chapter )

"Okay so you got the house tour done, let's get your phone activated." We hopped into a 5 passenger car. "David we will be back going to the apple store to get her phone activated," Mom yelled getting into the car. "Okay let's go."

"So here's your new number." He said showing me my new number as mom, Sarah and Sabrina put it into their phones. "Would you like a new case?" The guy asked mom looked at me and I nodded my head and went over to the iPhone 6 cases. "Can I get 3 because there only 3 dollars and I can't decide?" Mom shrugged her shoulders so I grabbed the 3 and brought it to the counters

 "Can I get 3 because there only 3 dollars and I can't decide?" Mom shrugged her shoulders so I grabbed the 3 and brought it to the counters

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"That's $10

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"That's $10.76," the guy said my mom handed him the money I put the green, black and white case on my phone and we left the store. The first thing I did was text Erin
M- heyy😇
E- in school but hey I see you got a new number😈
M- yeah but Ima leave you to your learning 😇

"Okay now let's go home." Sabrina said "glad to have you back sav." Mom said starting the car. "Glad to be back." I smiled and we drove off.

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