☆Universal Studios☆ {Chapter 2}

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Savanna pov
After everything last night Erin and I had Girl Meets world marathon with the season that they had on Netflix and ended up once again into each other's arms. Next thing you know I hear this. "Good morning, you're leaving ill see you in the evening. My best friend to the end, my better half no pretend. Our language is sacred, though people try to solve it. New adventures on the way. DANG IT SAVANNA WAKE UP!." It started sweet with her singing but she ended up jumping on me. 

"I'm up jeez," I said pushing her off me. 

"Good because I'm hungry, let's go eat my dad made french toast." I get up and follow her towards the kitchen then we ate the French Toast. "Same as yesterday." She said grabbed her clothes and went to her mom's room. I showered and washed my hair, blow dried my hair and put my clothes on. I then brushed my teeth and my hair, after I brushed it I braided it into 2 braids. (Outfit above or to the side) when I got out I saw Erin putting her shoes on and I noticed that we were matching. Instead, she was wearing white and pink Jordan's. After that, we were on snapchat being super crazy.

"Mom we are ready and we got the address," Erin yelled she walked out and we headed to the hotel. Her mom driving us towards the Double Tree Hotel.

"I'm picking you guys up from here right." She asked 

"Yeah," I said and we got out of the car. We went into the lobby and went up to the man at the front desk. "We are here to see Sabrina Carpenter," I said with a smile on my face. He looked shocked, he then he started fake typing like we didn't know what was going on. 

"We don't have any resident by that name you may have the wrong hotel sorry. Now run along don't you have dolls to play with?." He said moving his hand indicating us to leave the hotel. 

"Listen we know Sabrina is here she sent us here we are going to Universal with her I can Face Time her right now. So just tell her what room she's in and we will be on our way." After Erin said they he gave us a 'go ahead and do it' type look and that's what we did.

Sabrina- Hey where are you guys
Savanna- We are waiting for the front desk man to let us up
Rowan- Point the camera towards him
We pointed the camera towards the guy.
Sarah-Hey let them up its cool was going to Universal with them

Erin hung up the Face Time call.

"Sorry for the confusion. Have a fun day" the man said 

"There was no confusion just horrible customer service." I snapped and walked into the elevator. We knock on their door and Corey answers then he let us in. 

"Jeez, you guys have better taste in shoes than us." Peyton Clark says. We look at each other flip our hair and say "stop it" we all share a laugh. We wait a little bit for our Uber until Sara's phone goes off 

"Uber's here," Corey says we get up and go to the Uber.

Uber seating
I and Erin shared a seat cause there wasn't space.  "So what are the best rides because we have tickets and express passes to both parts?" Rowan asked 

"We went to Island Of Adventure for our 7th-grade field trip but the Harry Potter ride was pretty good. And thank god hulk is open again I really want to go on that." Erin said 

"My favorite ride was the Drop Of Doom or the Spiderman ride," I said

 "But it depends on which side of islands of adventure you go to first there is the side with Harry Potter, Dr. Sues, and the other side has Marvel, cartoon land and Jurassic World," Erin added 

"So let's go on the marvel and stuff side first then make our way down then over to Harry Potter and Dr. sues, then we go to the Hollywood side. Sounds like a plan?" Sabrina said and everyone cheered.

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