Just haters {Chapter 27}

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After everything last night sabrina has been getting hate. Saying things like she should speak up more. We got back home yesterday morning and it's because dad is coming back home for about a month or 2 and we want to be with him. Plus nationals are only 1 month away i need to get back to my team.

"Really." Sabrina said in frustration. I looked and and saw Sabrina on her phone, probably on twitter.

"What?" Sincere asked.

"I unfollowed this account, Then I dm'd her about why I unfollowed her. People are now saying I unfollowed her because she changed her at name." She groaned

"Still getting hate?" I asked and she nodded.

"More than last night because now I'm getting hated on because people think I unfollowed her because she changed her at." She said turning her phone off. "I just need a little break from social media." She said putting her phone on the counter.

"Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate." I sang.

"But I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake. I shake it off I shake it off." She finished and we both started laughing.

"Auggie would have killed that." I laughed and she frowned

"I miss the little guy, him and ocean. I miss my rowboat. I miss the whole cast matter of fact" She complains plopping right on the couch.

"We will see them soon." I reassured her.

A few hours later
After a while just having a chill day it's mainly filled with Sabrina looking at emails, writing for her 3rd album. Sarah and Shannon went out jogging, I decided to pass on that. Sincere was in the backyard practicing his batting. Mom and dad were complaining about all the hateful things people are saying about sabrina online. I have been caught up with everything, I even seen some videos of them burning Sabrina's face, people telling her she needs to kill herself. And let's me just say it's very hurtful things.

"Sabrina calm down its going to be okay. Ignore them, ignore the haters just block them out." I heard dad trying to sooth sabrina.

"But dad, did you see everything that they did, I turn on my phone and I see people telling me to kill myself, I block out a few and it's like they keep multiplying." She sobbed. I hardly ever seen sabrina cry, let alone it being over hate.

"Sab, it's going to be all right you still have you many loyal fans. And one of them will forever be right infront of your face." I tried to comfort her and she just hugged me.

"I know, I do have many loyal fans. And I'm glad your one of them." She said. Her phoned chimed again and she looked at her phone and ran up to her room leaving her phone still on.

*A/N this was soo hard to write like so hard. Okay now back to your regularly scheduled book.*


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