Back again {Chapter 29}

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Today we traveled orlando Florida and tomorrow is my friend Sophia birthday but I won't be here tomorrow so I'm going to suprise her. How? You may ask well my mom called the school ahead and they gave me classes with her and my other friend Ava who's birthday is on Sunday. Right now we are driving to my old middle school and my first period is Mr.Johnson.(her outfit above)

When I walk into the hallway he is in I automatically see them."Ava, sophia, naomi and others." I yell they turn and they're faces light up.

"What are you doing here?" They all asked hugging me.

"I came to wish these 2 a early happy birthday." I said and they looked at me. "Okay okay. I heard Sabrina was going to be in orlando so me and dad flew out here but I have to leave tonight." I said.

"Awe why?" Sophia asked

"Because I have nationals in about 3 weeks and I have dance tomorrow morning." I said and they nodded

"Any kids that are out in the halls after the tardy bell rings must report immediately to the cafeteria we are performing a tardy sweap." Someone on the intercom system said. I looked and saw we right in front of Mr.Johnson class and i handed the pink slip and he nodded. I looked saw some people I went to elementary school with, people I had classes with in 6th grade and some new people. I sat infront of ava.

At lunch
Everyone asked me why did I leave and I told them that bigger opportunities came up. I was currently sitting with all my close friends at lunch and I see erin eyeing me like of looks could kill she'd kill me, bring me back to life just to kill me again.

"Hey my sister brought the stuff." jagdesh said coming holding a box. I looked so confused. He put it on our table and I was cupcakes

"What's this for?" I asked and I read the icing. Glad you could visit. "Guys you didn't have to." I said it was only a dozen so I saved one chocolate cupcake for Sabrina because um a nice sister.

After school
When everyone was leaving I pulled them to the bus loop.

"What are you doing."

"We have to go home."

"No you don't my dad called your parents we can hang out a bit longer." I said and they nodded. My dad picked us up in a rental car. We hung out ate pizza and just caught up like normal friends. I really missed them it kinda felt like old times.

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