Girl Meets Melanie Hart

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This chapter is basically the episode they've been rehearsing. This is also the dialog and action that they watched during the livestream last chapter.
Scene 1
Hart house
Melanie "But dad I just want to visit her."
Kermit "She won't want to see you."
Melanie "how would you know, you left and her mom you wouldn't know how she would have felt about her half-sister."
Kermit "Then if I take you I'll have to take Mason, Keith and Kayla."
Melanie "They wouldn't care about her I do I wanna know if I have more family that loves me."
Kermit "We all love you here monkey."
Emily "Speak for your self."
Melanie "SEE your the only one that loves me here. I can die in a hole and Mason,Keith, Kayla and Emily could care less."
Emily "You don't call me Emily you call me Mother Dearest."
Melanie "I'll call you whatever I want to. You can't hit me dad's here and you know you won't hit me while dad's here."
Melanie"I'm leaving with or without you."
Kermit "if you leave right now and don't come back when she doesn't even want to see you."
Emily "Tata, don't come back."
(Exit the house)

Scene 2
At Topangas
Riley "Maya remember when your dad came, Remember how he started another family."
Maya nods
Riley"Would you ever want to see one of them, you know your half siblings?"
Maya"If they wanted to see I guess why not. If they were here by force I wouldn't even waste a breathe."
Blonde girl comes in crying.
Maya"Riles look." Points towards Melanie
Riley walks over to her
Riley "are you okay? Are you lost."
Shakes head
Riley "Are you looking for someone?"
Maya walks over
Melanie "yes"
Riley "Who?"
Melanie "Maya Hart."
Maya "Why?"
Melanie "I ran away from my dad to find her. A year ago he said something about meeting her at a place called Topanga's. I'm her half sister.
Katy and Shawn walk over
Katy "who's your friend and does she look like she's been crying?"
Shawn "yeah she looks alot like you, Maya."
Melanie "Maya as in Maya hart?"
Katy "Yes and I'm her mom-"
Melanie "Katy clutterbucket?"
Shawn "Hunter, Katy Hunter."
Katy "How do you know my name?
Maya "She's my half-sister."
Shawn "I'll leave you girls sort this thing out."
Walks away
Riley "why are you here?"
Melanie "My dad keeps saying that he wants to come by a visit you maya. I asked to come with him because last time he came here I was left with my mom and my 2 older brothers and little sister who doesn't like me. They tortured me but when he's around they act so nice to me. But he kept saying that Katy was holding him back. I thought he was talking about me because my middle name is Katy but I realized that it was Maya mom name. The reason why I'm here and it looks like I've been crying is because me my mom and dad got into a fight about me meeting you he kept saying you wouldn't want anything to do with me. So I told him I was leaving with or without him and he told me if I leave then don't come back."
Breaks down into tears
Katy "We will take care of you until your ready to go back home."
Maya "has he ever hurt you physically."
Riley "or mentally have you ever felt mental pain."
Melanie "physically no but my mom brothers and sister would hit my until skin turned purple and mentally everytime he leaves me alone with them. And it's fine I can't go back anyways there probably throwing a party with me gone."
They all hug her and shake there heads.

Scene 3
At the Mathews apartment
Cory "wait let me get this straight, Kermit has 4 other kids all of which are mayas half siblings. 1 out of 4 actually wanted to meet her. Kermit said if she comes here not to come back but she did anyways?"
Riley "pretty much"
Lucas "sounds like Maya's sister both don't follow rules."
Maya grabbed a fist full of his shirt
Maya "Listen here Sundance this MY family your talking about here now, if you still want that pretty little face of yours I would shut it."
Lucas looked frightened and amused.
Zay "fiesty"
Topanga "what do we do I mean she can stay with Katy and she can take it to court but I don't think they're in a right place for 2 kids right now"
Shawn "we can handle it I have alot of money stashed over. I don't want her going back to that unsafe home."
Melanie "You guys are putting too much effort into this I can sleep on a park bench tonight."
Shawn "Oh no your not your coming home with us."
Melanie "you can't make me if I don't want too. I'm too much for you guys I'll live on my own and I'll survive."
Storms out of the apartment

Scene 4
At the baywindow
Maya "What just happened."
Riley "She just overwhelmed"
Maya "Why did Shawn hold me back. Kermit probably found her and is dragging her back and-"
Riley "peaches?"
Maya "Yes honey"
Riley "did you forget that lucas and farkle went out to look for her?"
Maya "yeah I guess I did."
Riley "why is this bothering you so much?"
Maya "I don't know
Maya "because she ran away to come see me. She had hope that I would love her like her siblings never did. She hoped the my mom would love her like her mom never did. And the minute she got that hope she pushed it away."
Cory "yeah she reminds me of someone and her name is Maya Penelope Hart"
Topanga "She believes that if you hope for to much it's greedy."
Maya "Am i really like that? I pushed everyone out the minute something good happened to me?"
Cory "Only you know that maya, she's down stairs talk to her."
Riley "Only you would have a lesson to teach us on a sunday."
Maya grabs Rileys hand and walks down stairs

Scene 5
Mathews apartment
Maya "Melanie?"
Melanie "Yes?"
Maya "Why did you run here instead of staying?"
Melanie "Because I was hopi- I was thinking that you and your mom would love me like the mom and sibling I never had."
Riley "Where you about to say hope?"
Melanie "No of course not hope is for greedy people. I don't wanna be greedy and hope for to much.
Maya "Maybe hope is good sometimes."
Melanie "I stopped hopping when I turned 6 I realized that good things don't broken people."
Maya "Who's broken?"
Melanie "Who eles. You gusys have perfect lives. I'm broken "
Riley "do you believe that hope is best for broken people"
Maya "Because it does I'm broken"
Melanie "your not broken your perfect."
Maya stares into Melanie eyes
Maya "Is Emily if your real mother."
Melanie starts crying
Melanie "No she left when I was 6. I blame my self it was just me and my dad. I drove her away, it's my fault that she's gone."
Riley and maya hug Melanie
Riley "It's not your fault"
Maya "Don't blame yourself for it, you will think it's your fault but then you'll realize that it isn't your fault."
Melanie "It's not?"
Lucas places a hand on mayas back
Lucas "It's not"

Scene 6
Cory "Family. What does it have to do with history? Maya."
Maya "Without your family you have no history, you have no story."
Cory "Anyone one want to add to that? Farkle?"
Farkle "Family has alot to do with out history sir. The family before us who started this specimen today out family started that it was created with our family. In the future what is happening in the present would be there history and our family can be learning the same thing we are right now."
Cory "Thank you Farkle."
Lucas "Where are you going with this sir?"
Cory "Thank you lucas for bringing up my next point. Maya your father is what to you."
Maya "history. But I don't understand why."
Cory "When you found out about Melanie, what were first thougthts."
Maya "My thougthts where were is Kermit, I know he had more than one child where's the rest. Why is she crying. What did he do?"
Cory "Riley your thoughts on Melanie"
Riley "Hey that girl looks just like Maya. Oh my god she's looking for Maya. IT'S MAYA HALF-SISTER YAAAY!"
Zay "of course something strange turns into something bubbly, sunshine and Rainbows."
Maya "HEY! Don't talk about Riley like that. That's my job."
Cory "your assignment."
Class "uuuuughhh"
Farkle "YAAY!"
Cory "Find what history has done for your family."
Bell rings
Cory "Class dismissed."

Scene 7
Hunter/Hart residents

Katy "Maya we've figures out what we're going to do with Melanie."
Maya "What? Don't send her back with Kermit and her step-mom."
Shawn "Don't worry we aren't, we're taking it to court and taking her in."
Melanie "You aren't making me go back with Dad and Emily?"
Katy "No sugar cube your staying right here."
Maya hugs Melanie
Melanie "I think I'm going to like it here."
Maya "I'm going to enjoy the company."

Scene 8

Riley "So she's staying?"
Maya "Yep."
Riley "And your happy with it right?"
Maya "Yeah I love it"
Riley "Hey Peaches, you won't replace me with her would you?"
Maya "Of course not Riles she's my half-sister your my sister and bestfriend. I could never replace you or live without you. I love you to much Pumpkin."
Riley "I love you too peaches."
Riley puts her head on mayas shoulder and maya puts her head and Rileys head.

The end

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