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I know I didn't wait very long to answer the questions but I'm bored and if you commented a question after this chapter, just leave it in the comments and I'll add it :)))


Favorite member of MCR?

Is all an option?
Except for Bob oops

Favorite food?

Uhhhhhm spaghetti pizza (it's super fucking good I'm not crazy)

Onision or LeafyIsHere or whatever

Um shit. I used to be a hardcore Onision fan but I just got tired of all the constant drama he tries to start and now I only watch his videos of when he's with Lainey because he's not as much as a dick.

Do you like Shrek?

Honey, when I get older I'm going to get All-Star lyrics tattooed on my body. Shrek is my Lord and savior.

Do you ship Petekey?

Kind of?? Like whenever I read Frerard, Petekey is always featured and I think it's really cute so yeah I do but I'm not like AHHHH IT'S SO CUTE it's more like aw it's gay and I like it.

Speaking of Frerard, do you sh-


Do you ship Traden? (Tree and ??Kaden??)

Yes, as long as he treats you with respect.


How happy are you?

Hmm... I'm not sad but I'm not ecstatic. I'm more like "ah just living my life doing homework but also answering questions because wtf who likes homework" so like in between.

What makes you happy?

Making people smile, making people laugh, making people blush, seeing people do everything I just listed, music, Phan, Gerard Way, Frank Iero, stuffed animals... *continues rambling*

What's on your mind?

My mouth tastes minty cuz I just brushed my teeth ;)

First thoughts of me? (Dani)

Okay so I have when you first started messaging me and I was like "oh this person is really nice wow." Like you were (are) really sweet and I noticed you had a great personality. Then there was when you sent me a selfie for the first time and I was like "SHE'S SO CUTE (and I thought you were pretty hot as well ngl)" Then when we Skyped for the first time, I noticed how calm you were and it helped me open up a bit!

But yay questions whoopee

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