a concept

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bc immy needs some cheering up and something to look forward to

Immy, Danielle, and I go to a gay bar to find Immy some chicks

I am the wingwoman "Helloo, my friend over there, yes the hot one talking to the other hot one (that one's my girlfriend!!) thinks you're very pretty and would like to talk to you very much!!"

Me getting drunk and hitting on Danielle

Immy secretly taking pictures of me and Danielle

Drunk and slurred "I love you"s

Very bad dancing

Immy working up the courage to talk to a pretty girl with Danielle and I cheering in the background

Calling a cab to take us home and 1D comes on= Immy starts crying and ranting about how much she loves Harry Styles

Immy crashing on the couch, but not before she gives a drunk speech about how much we mean to her which results in me drunk crying

Waking up with killer hangovers and taking care of each other

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