danielle is pretty!!

19 6 9


-Make a cool title

-12 facts

-tag 12 people- no thanks

1. I am  v e r y  accident prone

2. I always have to shower with music or else I feel weird 

3. I think some bruises are really pretty??

4. I got my glasses in sixth grade yo

5. I'm a freshman!! (year 9)

6. I'm currently waiting for Danielle to come hooome 

7. I've seen Panic! and Weezer, and Adam Lambert in concert!

8.  I have sensitive skin and always have some sort of skin thing going on, right now it's eczema on my ankles and wrists.

9. I have three siblings.

10. I talk to myself a lot, like all of the time.

11. I always doodle on my schoolwork and notes!!

12. I have over 20 stuffed animals on my bed.. ahha. 

I tag the 12 drummers drumming from "12 Days of Christmas"

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