Chapter 3

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Lassie chose a restaurant close to the station. "I hear this place is good." He ignored me and got out of the car. I followed him to an empty table and sat across from him. "Nice place isn't it?" He looks at the menu. "Now Spencer why did you invite me to lunch.....I suppose you want to talk about something?" I nod. "Yes I have questions." He listens. "About the case?" I shake my head. " do you feel about me?" He sighs. "Shawn come on! Can you stop playing games for once in your life and tell me what you really wanted to talk about." Reluctantly I think of some random question to ask about the case. "Do you have any suspicions as to who might have motive to do something like this?" He shrugs. "There isn't enough evidence to have suspects yet." I look at my menu as the waitress arrives. "What can I get for you today?" I smile. "I would like a glass of water and a tuna sandwich please." I wink at her and look over at Lassie who rolls his eyes. "I would like a lemonade and can I get a burger please. " She writes down our orders. "Okay I will be right back with your drinks." I check her out. "Thanks beautiful." Lassie glares at me as she walks off. "Stop checking her out Spencer!" I chuckle. "Why, don't tell me you're jealous?" He gives me a look of disbelief. "Now why on earth would I be?" I bite my lip and take his hand. "There is no need to be, because I am yours Lassie......and only yours." He pulls away. "What?! You have completely lost it Shawn." I look down sadly as our drinks come in. The waitress sets them on the table. "Sorry Lass. I don't know what came over me." He shakes his head. "Uh don't worry about it. It's fine." I take a sip of my water. "Hey Lassiter I have a question. What happened to the tie that I spilled my coffee on. Did you get rid of it?" He shakes his head. "Yeah I did because it got damaged." My heart sank to my knees. "Damaged? By the coffee or something else?" He looked like he was going to say something but the waitress came with our food and he didn't say another word. What if he was the murderer! I had to investigate even though I still didn't believe it but the coincidences were adding up. There was no denying that. I wanted to believe he had nothing to do with it but things were adding up. It made sense that he committed the murders but I still couldn't accuse him but if he was the killer could I still love him?

When we finished eating we drove back to the station not saying anything on the way back. He parked the car in his parking spot and was about to get out when I stopped him. "Wait!" He turned around. "What?" I looked into his sparkling eyes. "I want to see that tie." He glared at me. "Why?" I decided to lie. "I want to see if its really destroyed. I feel responsible. I spilled the coffee its my fault. I should buy you a new one." He gets out of the car. "Its okay Spencer don't worry about it it's fine." He leaves me standing there in the parking lot. I wanted to kiss him so bad but he rejected me when I held his hand. He obviously doesn't feel the same way or does he? I had to find out and the only way to was to make a move and fast. There was no getting around it. What I feel for him is love. My heart bounces out of my chest when I see him and when I hear his name my heart melts. I loved him and I had to find out if he loved me back. Lassie would be mine.

I walked into the station and see Gus talking to Jules. I used to have a huge crush on her but that was before I fell in love with Lassie. Jules was cute and fun to be around and one of my best friends but Lassie is the one for me. "Gus! I'm back." He smiles. "Good so how did it go. What does he know about the case?" I think of something to say. "Nothing more than us." He stomps his foot in frustration. "Jules and I have been trying hard to find any evidence or clues but nothing Shawn. The murderer covered up their tracks pretty well. We are dealing with a professional here. Somebody who knows very well how to leave no trace. This is going to be hard to crack." I nod. "Yeah but I'm positive we will find something." Jules walked up to us. "Both murders were committed by the same person. I got lab results from the body two minutes ago and they say the cuts on the body parts from both bodies are the same. They used the same technique which can only mean the same person committed the crime." I look at her. "So we are dealing with a serial killer?" She nods. "Seems like it" I gasp putting my hands on my head. "I'm getting something! Slash slash! The killer is cutting the victim. They are scared......I feel their fear!" Gus puts his hand on my shoulder. "What else do you see?" I close my eyes concentrating hard acting like I'm trying to get more information. "Nothing I just feel fear......" I fall to the ground for a more dramatic touch. "No!" Jules helps me up. "Shawn! You okay?!" I open my eyes. I was such a good actor. "Yeah......the emotions I was feeling......" I stumble. "I feel weak." Gus wrinkles his nose obviously thinking I'm exaggerating. "Sit down!" I do as he says holding my head. "My head.....I need water.." Jules rushes out to get me a glass. When she leaves I act as if nothing happened. "I'm such a good actor." Gus frowns. "You are so over doing it." I glare at him. "I am not gus!" Jules walks in and hands me the water. "Here you go shawn." I take a big gulp. "Thanks I feel better." I rub the side of my head. She looks at me worriedly. "Are you sure?" I nod. "Yeah that vision just took a lot of energy away from me. Where is Lassie?" Gus looks out the window. "He is over there talking to one of the officers." I continue to hold my head. "Call him. I need to tell him what happened....." Gus walks out and calls him over. "What do you need Spencer?" I rub my head. "I need to talk to you alone....." Jules and Gus walk out and close the door behind them. I get up and shut the blinds on the window. "God! Lassie I had a vision." He rolls his eyes. "Oh really? What about?" I note the sarcasm in his voice. "The murders. I saw the victims and felt an overwhelming fear. My head is still pounding." He raises and eyebrow. "What else did you see?" I shake my head. "Nothing else really." He moves closer to me. "This case really is seeming impossible to solve but hopefully something comes up soon." I notice the cut on his hand again. "That cut looks awfully big to be from paper." He looks at me with confusion. "What?" I hold his hand upright looking at the cut. "Are you sure it's a paper cut?" He nods. "Yes. What else would it be." I examine it closer. "It's too deep to be from paper." He moves closer. "Shut up Spencer." He leans into me and kisses me softly. I was startled by the sudden kiss but my heart felt like it would jump out of my chest. This was finally happening. He does have feelings for me! Detective Carlton Lassiter has feelings for me! His kiss was pure bliss. I enjoyed every second of it wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer. We kissed for what seemed like eternity until he finally pulled away with a confused expression on his face. He put a finger up to my lips. "Shh" I nod, not quite knowing what he meant. I assumed he meant to keep quiet about what happened between us. I felt so happy at that moment. I finally shared a kiss with Lassie, the man I love. Life couldn't be better.

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