Chapter 5

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It finally happened. Lassie was mine. I layed on his chest trying to catch my breath. "I love you." He pulled me closer. "I love you to Shawn." I giggled. "Lassie....." He looks at me. "Yeah?" I gaze into his eyes before kissing him softly. He kisses back running his hands up my chest. I kiss down his neck gently biting. He moans. "Mmmm Shawn......" I kiss harder. "You like that lassie boy?" He nods biting his lip. "Shawn.........stop I have to get going." I run my tongue up his neck and to his ear. "Can't you stay?" He shakes his head. "No. We have a case to solve Spencer. I agreed to help Juliet look over some details on it." I kiss him sliding my hand down to his area. "I wish you could stay a little longer." He gasps at my touch. "Me too but I really must get going." He quickly gets up and gets dressed in front of me. I bite my lip. "I guess I will see you tomorrow at the station?" He nods. "Yeah goodbye Shawn." He walks out. I start to get dressed. "Love you Lassie!" I couldn't be happier. I knew now that Lassie couldn't have anything to do with the murders. It was just a coincidence that's all. I had to get dressed and meet Gus at my dad's house. So I quickly got ready and got into my car. I drove happily thinking about how sore I was. God love hurts but I didn't care. He really did love me. Carlton Lassiter was in love with me.

I pull up in my dad's driveway and knock once before letting myself in. "Dad!" I walk to the kitchen where Gus and my dad were having dinner. "Hey guys I made it." Gus looked at me. "I thought you said you wouldn't be able to make it." I smiled and sat down across from him. "Well I made it." My dad looked at me. "So how's the case going?" I shrug. "I honestly don't know. We have no leads." Gus stares at my neck. "Uh Shawn what's that on your neck." I touch my neck. "What?" My dad groans. "Shawn you have a huge hickie." Fuck! Lassie must have left it. I had to lie. "Oh this?" Gus looked at me. "Shawn you said you were going to talk with detective Lassiter, not have fun with a girl." I groan. "Gus it was a one time thing and I was going to talk to him but I got distracted." My dad glared at me. "God Shawn. Go cover it up its disgusting." I nod and head to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. He marked me. That means I was his. I really didn't want to cover it up but I had to. I took looked in the cabinets and found some concealer. I quickly applied some on the red turning purple bruise. When I was done I headed back to the kitchen. "Done." Dad smiled. "Okay want some dinner?" I nodded happily. "Yummy, yes."

Lassie POV

I walked into the station still weirded out by what happened. Shawn and I had sex........and it was great! I shook the thought aside. Come on Carlton! Stop thinking that way! This shouldn't be's just something that must be done to keep my secret safe. That's all. Even though I tried, Shawn never left my mind. The sound of him screaming my name burned in my memory. I bit the inside of my cheek. Get it together Lassiter! I walked over to Juliet's office. "Hello?' She looked up from a stack of paperwork. "You working extra hours?" I nod. "We have to solve this case don't we?" She smiles. "I suppose so." I grin. "Then let's get on it." Her gaze moves to my neck. "Um Detective have a hickie." I blush. "What?" She giggles. "What were you up to? I didn't know you had it in you.......who is the lucky girl?" I touch my neck in an effort to cover it. "Not important O'Hara now let's get working." She tries to hide a smile. "Okay but you must tell me sooner or later. I want to know who is marking my partner and best friend." I was her best friend? I always thought of her as just my partner. Whoa I had a BFF. "Maybe O'Hara." She smiles. God I shouldn't have let him bite me but I got lost in the pleasure. I still couldn't believe Shawn was actually in love with me. How? I was just me. I wasn't special but apparently he thinks I am. It made me happy that someone thought I was perfect. I hadn't really dated anyone since my divorce with my ex wife.

I thought about Shawn. The truth was I couldn't stand him. He was annoying and acted like a two year old but now I had to pretend to be in love with him. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. There was no doubt it would happen again. I helped Juliet with some paperwork to keep my mind of things. This was going to be very complicated.

Next Morning

Shawn POV

I sleepily wake up, still sore from yesterday but I liked it because it reminded me that Lassie was mine. I happily made myself a bowl of cereal and texted Gus to meet me at the Psych office, then from there we would head down to the station. So I quickly ate and finished getting dressed. I had to make a break on this case. The killer had to leave something behind, he couldn't be that good. I had to solve this before anybody else got hurt.

I got into my car and drove to the psych office. Gus was already there waiting for me to open the door since I had the key. "What took you so long?" I opened the door. "Fruit loops." He glared at me. "What?" I walked in. "My breakfast Gus." I scoffed. "Breakfast? Can't you wake up a little earlier?" I shook my head. "No plus I am sore so I couldn't get up really fast." He gave me a confused look. "Sore? From what?" Oops did I really just say that?! "I have been working out and I pulled a muscle." I obviously couldn't really tell him why. I mentally punched myself for even saying that I was sore. "So Gus want to head down to the station?" He nods. "Yeah lets get going!"

We arrived at the station and parked our car. I took a sip out of Gus's coffee cup. "This tastes plain." Gus scoffed. "Its coffee what did you expect." I glared at him. "It doesn't taste good." He took back his cup. "My mom made that Shawn!" I walked inside. "Oh, tell her to buy different coffee beans." Jules walked up to us. "Hey guys! glad you are here I need your help sorting out paperwork." Gus nodded. "Not a problem." I turned to see Lassie in his office. "Spencer my office now!" I nodded and walked over to him smiling. He looked amazing this morning. His hair was slightly messed up and he was wearing a blue tie which enhanced his eyes. I walked inside and closed the door behind me. "Good morning love." He closed the blinds. "Hey Shawn." I smirk. "So what do you need?" He walked closer to me. "How do you feel this morning?" I looked down. "A little sore to be honest." He bit his lip. "I couldn't stop thinking about you all night." He kissed me hard and pushed me onto his desk. "What are you doing Lassie?" He crawled over me. "Shut up." He kissed me tugging at my shirt. I moaned as I pulled him closer. "Lassie......." He bit my lip to the point it was bleeding. "I want you right now!" Just then we heard a knock at the door. We pushed off of each other. "Who is it?" I fixed myself.

"Its Juliet can I come in?" Lassie fixed his tie. "Yeah go ahead." She rushed inside carrying a file. "This is for you Detective Lassiter." Lassie took it. "Thank you O'Hara." She smiled and turned to me. "Shawn what's wrong with your lip?" I thought of a lame excuse. "I was jumped in the parking lot last night." She gasped. "Oh my god! Are you alright?" I nod. "I'm fine all he didn't take anything. I fought him off." She gave me a weird look. "I didn't see the cut when you walked in though." I made up another quick response. "You were probably too distracted that you didn't notice." She nodded. "Your probably right. With this case, I have hardly had any time to do anything else." Lassie smiled. "Thanks for the file." She smiled and walked off. "Not a problem." Lassie waited until she left. "We will continue this later. I have to get to work on this case. I suggest you do the same." I nod. "I will. Later then?" He winks at me. "Yes."

I walk out of his office happily. I couldn't be happier. Lassie was amazing.

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