Chapter 8

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Lassie! No it couldn't be him! "Lassie?! Wha-" he cut me off. " I can explain!" I move away from him. "Get away from me! I should have listened to what my mind was telling are the Chopper!" He moved closer to me. "Shawn.....please......." I push him back. "Get away from me you sick freak! I don't know who you are anymore!"

Lassie's POV

I couldn't believe it! He caught me what am I going to do now?! I was going to jail and my hobby would be exposed I wouldn't be able to do what I enjoy doing the most. I had to do whatever it took to make sure he didn't run to the police. "Shawn.......what do you mean you don't know who I am anymore? I am Lassiter your boyfriend.........your lover." He sobs. "What..............I-" I walk closer. "I love you Shawn.........please don't do this to me. I'm the same old Lassie. Your Lassie." He sits on the ground curled up in a ball crying. "No! I don't know you! You are a monster! Why would you do this! Explain what this is to me!" I decide to tell him the truth. I had to convince him that I loved him and that way he wouldn't turn me in. "Shawn.......I don't know where to begin." He looks at the bag. "Talk!" I look at the ground. "It started when I got into the police academy. I was a rookie. This was like ten years a teenager I was always fascinated by blood and murder. It was an obsession. I thought maybe if I became a cop the obsession would go away but no it made it worse. I was around blood all the time and soon I couldn't take the urges anymore and decided to try and experiment." I smile remembering those good old days. "So I killed a girl..........cut her up into pieces. I couldn't help myself." Shawn continued crying violently. "So you are the Chopper!" I nod. "Yes....." he stands up rapidly. "Lassiter....." I felt a sharp pain in my heart. He had never called me by my real name. "Shawn.......I love you. Please I can't loose you........." I move closer but he takes a step back. "That's close enough!" I make myself cry. "I love you..........more than my own life nothing has to change." He takes a step forward. "But you are a serial killer!" I wipe tears away. "I can't help it...........please we can continue with our happy lives nobody has to know about this." I point at the head. He sniffles. "It's not just that k-k-killed more people......who knows how many." I let tears fall from my face. "I know and I am sorry, I know I can't change what I did or who I am but I can try.......for you just please........please don't leave me."

Shawn's POV

I couldn't believe what was happening. My world was spinning out of control. The love of my life was a serial killer. Should I do the right thing and turn him in? Everything in my head was telling me to call Jules and have him arrested but my heart was telling me no, to keep it a secret because I love him and love conquers all. I had to make a quick decision. I still couldn't believe he was capable of murder. "I c-c-can't believe you did this.............I love you but I don't know..........the right thing is to turn you in." He moves closer. "Shawn..........please don't I love you and we will be separated if that happens." He leans in and kisses me. I kiss back. I was going to keep it a secret but only because I loved him and if I turned him in I would never see him again. I felt so guilty but I was so in love with him. "Lassie.........your secret is safe. One condition though...." His face lit up. "Yes anything!" I steady my breathing. "You have to stop this! No more killing people....I will help you overcome these urges but this has to stop now! If you don't I will turn you in........even though it would hurt me so." He nods. "Yes babe........I will try but please I don't want to loose you." I look down at the head. I close my eyes. "What are you going to do about that?" He quickly picks it up. "Drop it off somewhere. I love this game of cat and mouse the cops will never catch me but I love teasing them. They think they can catch me. They are so wrong-" I glare at him. He thought this was a game! It was one thing to kill people but playing games with the cops just to prove he was invincible could get him caught. "Shut up Lassie! I don't want to hear about the details! You know they are onto the Chopper and sooner or later they will get you if you keep this up." He chuckles. "No they won't. Chief Vic, Jules and the rest of the police force are so ignorant.......I am a god! They can never catch me!" My heart pounded in my chest and tears started streaming down my face. This wasn't the Lassie I fell in love with. He was insane! "I think.......I should g-g-g-go get Jules..." He gripped my arm. "No! Shawn! Sorry......I-I don't know what came over me.......I will throw this away where the cops will never find it and that will be the end of it because....Shawn I love you." He wiped the tears off my face. "Don't cry......." I nod hesitantly. "I love you." He smiles. "I love you too don't forget that." I nod. Everything was telling me to run as fast as I could to Chief Vic and tell her everything but my feelings for him were too strong. I would keep his secret safe. He promised he would stop, for me. I loved him even though he might be a little crazy. Okay maybe a lot crazy! He thought he was a God!? Fuck he thought it was fun to taunt the police! I no longer saw Lassie as the same compassionate, serious, loyal and hardworking detective anymore. I saw him as the evil, insane serial killer The Chopper but I loved him. I decided that I would let this blow over. He would stop killing people and everything will be as it used to. We would be a happy couple and start all over again. We could forget about this. It could be like a past life nobody talked about or remembered. We would be happy like we were before........before I found out his secret. My head was still spinning. "Lassie.....I am going back home to sleep this off......" I walked away but he pulled me back. "What? You don't want to stay over at my place tonight!?" His voice was a growl. I shook my head. "I need to think things through and process all this in my head." He sighed. "Okay well my door is open if you want to come over. I just have to go dump this somewhere. I love you okay and don't worry soon this will be just like a bad dream and we will be happy like before." He kissed me roughly. I kissed back. "Okay." He walked me to my car. "I love you Shawn." I nod shakily. "I l-l-l-love you too." I quickly drive away. I felt like all of this was a nightmare I couldn't wake up from. I still couldn't believe it how could he be the Chopper. He was Lassie for Christ's sake! He was the most innocent one in all Santa Barbara. I should have trusted my gut. There were too many coincidences. I always knew deep in my mind that he was the killer. My heart just didn't want to admit it. I drove back to my apartment crying hoping tomorrow would be a better day. I just couldn't believe the man I love is a serial killer.

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