Chapter 7

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One hour later

I woke up refreshed. "Lassie?" I looked around noticing he was gone. I put on my clothes and headed downstairs assuming he was in the living room. "Lassie boy?" Realizing he wasn't anywhere in the house I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. "Come on pick up..." The answering machine answered. "Hello you have reached Detective Carlton Lassiter please leave a message at the tone." Where was he and why wasn't he picking up his phone. He was suppose to be taking care of me and he left. I rushed out of the apartment and called a cab. 

I told the taxi driver to take me to the police station. I knew he had to be there. I paid him and walked inside when we arrived. "Lassie?" I walked over to Mcnab. "Hey have you seen Lassie?" He shook his head. "No wasn't he with you?" I nodded. "Yeah but he left and I don't know where to." He looked over some papers. "Did you call him or check with Jules?" I nodded. "He isn't answering his phone but I will go check with her thanks Mcnab." He nods. "Happy to help Shawn." I walk into Jules's office. "Jules have you seen Lassie?" She shakes her head. "No didn't he go with you?" I nod. "Yeah but he said he had to go do something and I don't know where. He isn't answering his phone either." She gets up from her chair. "I'm sure he is off working on the case. How are you feeling?" I start to worry if Lassie is okay. What if he was taken by the serial killer! He definitely knows where we go and who we are. He left the jar of blood at our office for Christ's sake! "I'm fine. I just have to find Lassie." She looks at me. "Shawn relax you had a hard day. Take the rest of the day off." I shake my head. "No, I have to help on the case and find Lassie. My god Jules what if he got kidnapped by the murderer." She gasps and picks up her phone. "I'm going to try calling him." I nod. "The Chopper knows who we are and he could have easily taken Lassie. I am not overreacting I know it. I am getting a very bad feeling." Gus walks into the room. "What's going on?" I sigh. "Lassie is nowhere to be found. He might have gotten kidnapped!" Gus gasps. "Wasn't he with you?" I nod. "Yeah but he left shortly after." He looks at me. "He didn't say where he was going?" I shake my head. "No Lassie is Lassie he never tells anyone where he is off to." Jules groans. "He isn't picking up! Forget this investigation we have to find Carlton!" I nod. "Where should we check first?" Jules got her car keys. "His apartment?" I nod. "Let's go." 

We headed to Lassie's apartment. I prayed that he was okay. He had to be maybe I was just exaggerating and he was okay. I held back some tears of worry. When we arrived we followed Jules inside surprisingly she had a key. "Shawn you check his room. Gus check the kitchen and I will check the living room. Look for anything that might lead us to his whereabouts." I ran to the his room. I had to find something. I looked in some cabinets next to his bed and found nothing. I walked over to the closet and looked inside. I checked the pockets of his jackets. I noticed a black hoodie. I'd never seen him wear it before. I checked the pockets and felt a piece of paper. I pulled it out, it was a photograph of a blonde girl. She looked about 19. What was he doing with this?! I felt jealousy. No! He would never do that to me.......he loves me. There had to be an explanation for this. I shoved the picture in my pocket and continued searching. In the other pocket I found a small knife. What the hell was he doing with this. I placed it back in its spot. I continued looking for more clues but found nothing. 

I walked back to Jules and Gus. "I didn't find anything. Did you guys have any luck?" They both shook their heads. I couldn't stop thinking about the girl in the picture. Who was she and why was there a knife in his closet? Just then Jules's phone rang. "Hello? Yes I will be right there." I look at Jules. "Who was it?" She sighs. "The chief she says they found out who the blood belongs to." We all walked out the door. "Really? We finally have a clue, one step closer to finding out who the Chopper is." She gets into her car. "Yes come on we have to go we will continue looking for Lassie later who knows maybe he is already at the station." I smile. "Yeah." And then I can ask him who this girl is.

When we arrive at the station Chief Vic walks us into her office. "We found out who the blood belongs to." Gus nods. "Who?" Vic pulls out a picture. "Her name is Alison Fields. She is 20 and worked at a restaurant here in Santa Barbara." I took a look at the picture and almost fell backwards. It was the girl in the picture I found at Lassie's! He knew her? Or he couldn't have something to do with the murder! The coincidences were adding up again.....but I refused to believe Lassie had something to do with this. There had to be an explanation! "I will be back I have to go do something." Gus follows me out. "What's wrong Shawn?" I couldn't tell him. "I have to find Lassiter." Gus nods. "I know but we have a huge break in the case. We are closer to finding the Chopper." I nod. "I know but what if he was kidnapped by him?" He nods. "You're right Shawn let's go find him." 

We get into our car and drive. "Where do we go?" Gus shakes his head. "I don't know." I think about where the Chopper might take someone. "Gus I got it! The psych office quick!" He quickly drives us there. We park outside and walk in. "Lassie?" No response. I check my desks for any clues. Nothing. "He isn't here Gus. "I run outside to the spot where they found the blood jar but found nothing." Gus looks at me with disappointment. "I am taking a cab back to the station you can stay here if you like." I nod. "I am going to keep looking." He nods. "You seem to be getting too close to him nowadays Shawn." I smile. "We sort of became friends." I remembered Lassie didn't want anybody to know. He smiles. "Good luck." I watch him leave. If I was a serial killer where would I go? I decided to search the whole town. 

10 pm

I had been searching all over town all day long. Gus and Jules went off at one point and helped me but now it was just me looking. She said we could all start fresh tomorrow but I had to keep looking. I panicked realizing he could be dead by now or worse. I decided to check the psych office one last time. I had a feeling I would find something. I walked inside and noticed a dark empty place as always, no Lassie. Tears started streaming down my face when I heard a noise outside. I walked out. It was coming from the back. 

I went to the back of the office and noticed a man dressed in all black and wearing sunglasses. "Who are you!" He made a run for it and I chased him. He was carrying a black bag with him I was certain it was the Chopper. I caught up to him and knocked him to the ground. I knocked his sunglasses off. "I have you!" I realized who it was. No! It couldn't be! It was impossible! "What?!" I grabbed the black bag and opened it and screamed in horror. It was a head! It couldn't be! My heart pounded in my chest as I faced the one who was the Chopper. 

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