Diagon Ally: Harry

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       Sunday evening, Harry smiled into 12 Grimmauld Place's mirror. He wore a yellow and red plaid button-down and jeans, wonderful for a date, he thought.

"Master Potter looks very nice, Master Malfoy will be pleased!" Kreacher returned from his mission of fetching Harry's wand out of the kitchen, and handed it to Harry.

"Thank you, Kreacher. You've no need to make dinner tonight." Harry smiled sadly at the now kind creature, reminded too much of Dobby.

       "You are kind to Kreacher, Harry Potter!"

       This set the portrait of Mrs.Black off. "Bloody Griffindor in my house, treating house elves as equals! I won't stand for it!"

       "Oh do shut up, or I'll have to hang you upside down," Harry said as he grabbed his coat and keys, and headed out the door.

A few seconds later, Harry apperated outside the door of the Leaky Cauldron. Draco Malfoy leaned against the wall by the door, one leg kicked up, arms crossed. "Potter," he said.

       "Malfoy. How do I look?"

       "Like an idiot, as usual."

"Same to you then." They walked into the restaurant together.

      "Table for two?" The lady at the front asked.

       Harry nodded his head.

       "You got a reservation?" She said. Harry looked at Malfoy, who said firmly,


       "Well then, sorry boys, no available tables."
Outside again, Harry turned to Draco.

       "You didn't make a reservation?"

       "You'll have to forgive me Potter, I'm very new at this." Harry started to laugh. "Potter!"

       "So what are we going to do?" He asked.

"Could always just walk around." Draco opened the gate to Diagon Ally, and shuffled in. "Bit cold."

       "Would you like my jacket?"

       "Give it here." Harry slipped it off and draped it over Draco's shoulders. They passed by Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, which had a sign hung over the original, which read Open for business again. "Fancy some ice cream?" Draco suggested.

"I thought you were cold.

"Can't I be cold and crave ice cream at the same time?" Ten minutes later Harry and Draco walked down the street once again with two cones of ice cream, laughing and joking.

       "This has been really nice," Harry said.

       "Genuinely?" Draco looked surprised, which confused Harry.

       "Yeah, course. Why wouldn't it?"

       "I dunno." Draco smiled and shoved Harry with his shoulder. "I, for one, had an awful time."

      "Excellent. I live to displease you."

       Draco laughed. "Oh, shut up." He leaned in and kissed him.

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