12 Grimmauld Place: Draco

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Disclaimer: it's been a bit since I've written on here so if there are inconsistencies or repetitions it's because I'm too lazy to go back and look.

"Paper's here." Draco tossed it on the table, where it slid just a bit. Harry looked up from his cereal, and smiled.

"You're up," he said. Draco sighed, wrapping his arms around Harry. Through his fingers, Harry's almond hair flopped backwards, then fell back into place.

"Brilliant observational skills, Potter," he said sarcastically. "Have you thought about law enforcement?" Harry laughed.

"Really? I'd always fancied myself as more of a teacher." Draco untangled himself from Harry, and sat down for breakfast. Harry, who had just finished, got up to wash his bowl. He spoke over the running water. "So, listen. I know I said I wasn't working today, but apparently there's an emergency, and they need me." Draco turned over the thought in his mind, as well as his spoon in his bowl. Another day alone. He needed a hobby. Or a job. Maybe he'd go to George's. "Draco?" It seemed he'd gone silent for too long.

"It's fine, Potter. I'll occupy myself." Harry nodded, heading for the door. He ruffled Draco's hair briefly on his way out, and kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I know it's not ideal." Draco didn't reply.

The apartment complex was silent. It was an eerie sound, silence, especially when Draco was alone. Kreacher was taking his new weekly "nap day", and almost actually missed him. Of course, he would never admit that he was lonely. He was fine. Perfectly fine. He pulled the newspaper rolled up next to him close, and opened it up. He wasn't all too surprised to see Harry's, nor his name pictured, but it caught his eye all the same. It was an exclusive on their relationship.

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy: Getting Serious? We caught up with The Boy Who Lived in an interview. His thoughts? "It's just a relationship... [he's] not important...in the scheme of things." So, could this just be a fling? Either way, we're all surprised to see this shocking pairing.

Draco sat stoic, staring ahead at the paper. None of this made sense. Did Harry really think that? Did he really not matter? He let the paper fall through his fingers and back onto the table's surface. He could feel a tear growing and spinning in his eye, he knew there were more coming. He needed to get away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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