Weasleys Wizard Wheezes: Draco

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Saturday, Draco's head perked up when finally, it was Potter opening the front door. He hopped down from the Weasley's desk, which George had been irritably putting up with. His legs had been starting to cramp, but Draco wasn't willing to admit this.

"Potter! Finally, you took far too long to get here," Draco said.

"Shut up Malfoy, you're early. I never thought it would happen, it's almost...hot?" Draco was pulled into a kiss, Harry's arms around his shoulders. Draco ran his hand up Harry's chest, then after a few seconds, pulled away.

"Potter, please! There are gingers present!" He gave a silent glance to George, who also received a meager smile from Harry. George let out a toothy mischievous grin, his first in a while.

"I knew the whole time," George said.

"Shove off, Weasley," Draco said, dragging Harry to the back room. "We've got filing to do."


A few hours later, George rapped a few times on the back closet door, and opened it. "Ron's just come in, he's asking if you two are up for lunch."

"Both of us?" Draco asked. He hadn't expected just amicability from the youngest Weasley. George grinned again, and wiggled his eyebrows.


Draco's face fell into a smirk, and looked over at Harry. "Grab your coat, Potter. We're going."

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