4. Jenny

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"Hi Jenna!" Elena said while entering the kitchen. She nodded to her brother with a big smile. "Jeremy".

"Wow, you're in a good mood today. What happened?" Jeremy asked. He was quite surprised to see his sister so happy, it wasn't a usual thing.

"Well, I just realized I cannot spend another day hiding in my bed and shutting everyone out of my life. I'm young, I have to live a little" she explained. And she was right.

"Argh, come on, Damon comes back tomorrow that's all. It's not that difficult to figure out Jeremy." Jenna said, really amused.

"Jenna!" Elena yelled, pretending to be mad at her aunt but failing.

"Is that it?" Jeremy asked.

"Mmm... maybe..." Elena replied, with a little grin emerging form the corner of her mouth. And the truth is that she was very excited about tomorrow. She was going to tell Damon about her feelings and everything was going to be perfect.

* * *

That same afternoon, Elena met with Bonnie and Caroline to go shopping, because -truth be told- she missed them.

"So Elena" Caroline started "why did you want to meet with us?" she asked. She was a little mad at her friend because she had pushed them away and wouldn't even talk to them so, yeah, she was angry.

"Well, do I have to explain why? You guys are my friends and I kinda missed you." Bonnie and Caroline looked at Elena like they weren't buying a thing, so she continued "look, I know I've been shutting you out of my life lately and I'm sorry, but it's been a little hard these days and I needed time with myself to figure things out"

"Elena, what happened that was sooo hard for you?" Bonnie spoke for the first time. She'd been watching and observing Elena and she knew something was off with her.

"I think you already know. There's no need on telling you." she said, shyly.

"Yes we do know, and yes there is need on telling us, again." Caroline said, with a very annoyed tone.

"Damon left a week ago and you guys know how close we are"

"And that's why you wouldn't even talk to us?" Bonnie asked, although she already knew. "The fact that Damon left is a good thing. It's a shame it was just for one week"

"Bonnie!" Elena yelled. "I can't believe you just said that. You know what Damon means to me. I know you hate him but you should at least show some respect, even if it's faked" and with that, she rose to her feet and left, leaving a very shocked Bonnie and Caroline behind.

* * *

When she got home she heard Jenna saying hi to her and asking what was wrong, but she didn't listen and went straight to her room. She slammed the door shut and started crying. After she ten good minutes, she calmed herself and heard a knock on the door.

"Go away Jenna! I don't want to talk to you!" she yelled. But the door opened anyways, revealing a very confused Jeremy.

"Hey 'Lena, what's wrong?" he asked her. He was worried about her. He liked teasing her and bothering her, just like every normal brother, but he loved her, even if he didn't say it often. She was -along with Jenna- the only family he had left.

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