Ch.3 Camelot

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Now in Camelot, everyone followed Danny across the brick bridge and to King Arthur's castle. Everyone was amazed as they followed Danny into the castle.

"This is so cool" Aidan smiled as he admired the place.

"So people can come here whenever they want?" Terrence asked Danny.

"Well they can't go in" Danny said "The only time they can go in is for parties and stuff, so yeah, welcome to King Arthur's castle."

"I am so putting this in Instagram" Macy smiled as she pulled out her phone and started to take pictures.

"So Danny" Mira said "When can you help us find Raven?"

"Whenever you're ready" he said "Although if you want to go to the ball tonight, you should probably get ready."

"Oo I need to get ready" Macy said "Wait, what should I wear?"

"You'll find something in the rooms" Danny smiled.

"Hey uh, while we're here" Scott said "Is it possible for us to see the sword in the stone?"

"You mean Excalibur?"

"Yeah that."

"Well, it's not in the stone anymore" Danny said as he held out his hand as a sword with designs on the blade and handle appeared in his hands "It's right here."

Everyone gasped as they looked at the sword.

"No way" Aidan gasped "That's really Excalibur?"

"The one and only sword that used to be in the stone" Danny smiled.

"Can I hold it?" Scott asked.

"Sorry, but no, it belongs in King Arthur's bedroom now, where it'll be protected."

He then used his powers to make Excalibur disappear.

"Well then" he turned to everyone "If you all would get ready for the ball tonight. And then I'll help you guys find Raven."

"Thank you" Olivia smiled.

(2 weeks later) Everyone opened their eyes and coughed as they found themselves back in the 'Wonder diner' while wearing medieval clothes. They all got up just as Kendell Smith and his band mates entered.

"What are you guys doing here?" he asked.

"What happened?" Olivia asked.

"We're back in Storybrooke" Aidan said surprised.

"What the hell?" Macy said confused.

"This doesn't make any sense" Mira said "We just arrived at King Arthur's castle."

"What are we wearing?" Scott asked as he looked at their clothes.

"Kendell how long were we gone?" Danielle asked.

"2 weeks" he said.

"2 weeks?" everyone gasped.

"Our memories" Aidan said surprised "They're gone."

"Wait a minute" Terrence said "Where's Elena?"

"I don't know" Olivia said as she looked around "Did we find her?"

"Relax" a voice said as they turned and couldn't believe their eyes when they saw Elena standing in the doorway in her new evil look.

"I'm right here" she said as everyone stood there with shock.

"Elena?" Brooke gasped "What happened to you?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Elena said "I've finally became the person I was designed to be. And you guys went to Camelot to get the Darkness out of me."

She then went over to Olivia and ran her cold fingers down her cheek as Olivia gave a shiver.

"But you failed" Elena put in.

Just then Kendell gave a sneeze as Elena turned to him. He was about to sneeze again when Elena used her magic to turn him to stone as everyone's eyes widen.

"There's no savior in this town anymore" she said "I never knew being so powerful can feel this great."

"Elena stop" Mira ordered as she went up to her "That's enough."

"But isn't this what you wanted mother? Ever since I was a child you've been pressuring me to follow in your footsteps, well here I am, I'm just like you now."

"But I told you the truth, this isn't who I wanted you to become. And now, I'm gonna put a stop to it."

She then reached for the wand that was suppose to be on her belt, but she found that it wasn't there.

"Looking for this?" Elena asked as she held up the wand in front of her face "No one is allowed to touch this but me."

Mira stood there with shock as Elena walked around her.

"By the way" she said "Remember when I told you guys that I wanted all of you to be heroes in order to get the Darkness out of me? Well go ahead and try, but getting the Darkness out of me isn't gonna be easy. Just saying."

"Elena" Terrence said as Elena turned to him "Why are you doing this?"

"Because" she said "I'm the Evil Queen now, and I can do anything I want."

And with that she disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke, leaving everyone full of shock.

"I can't believe this" Olivia gasped "She's really the Evil Queen now."

"Anyone got any ideas?" Julie asked.

"Well she has the wand now so we can't control her" Mira said "And since I'm not the Evil Queen anymore, I'm not as powerful as her now."

Everyone then gave sighs of disappointment.

"Wait" Brooke said as she got an idea "What about Danny? Maybe he can help us."

"You're right" Delilah said surprised "I mean he is the Sorcerer's Apprentice, he might be able to help us."

"But we don't know where he is" Danielle put in "And we don't know how to contact him."

"Well I'm gonna find a way to contact him wherever he is" Brooke declared "Cause he could help us."

"Are you sure about that?" Mira asked "I mean Raven did tell us that we failed to take the Darkness out of her, that must mean we did something wrong whether it was our fault or Danny's."

"By the way" Aidan added "We also need to find a way to get our memories back, if we had our memories of what happened the past 2 weeks, we'll know what we did wrong and we'll find a way to prevent it from happening."

"But how are we gonna do that?" Macy asked.

"I don't know" Mira said "But we have to think of something quick, we still don't know what Raven is up to."

"Well you guys go ahead with that" Brooke said "I'm gonna try to find a way to contact Danny."

"Hold on" Aidan put in "There's still one thing I don't understand, did Elena take away our memories? And if so, why?"

Everyone stood there wondering why, and as they thought about it, they wondered if they'll ever know.

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