Ch.9 Old castle

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"He's pathetic" Wendell told Elena in her home "He's too weak, there has to be something to toughen him up, he needs something to fight for."

"Then tell him that he needs to fight for his life" Elena said like it was obvious.

"I doubt that will work, there has to be some sort of weakness of his so that he's willing to fight for it, like a prized possession or something."

But before Elena can answer, she suddenly got a feeling that someone was calling her name.

"I have to go" she said "You'll find an item of his in my bedroom, just make him a hero."

And with that she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. In town, Terrence kept calling Elena's name while standing in the empty road at nighttime.

"Raven Queen!" he called.

"You don't need to call my name multiple times you know" he turned and saw Elena "I heard you the first time. Now what can I do for you dear?"

He gave a small sigh "I felt that we got off on the wrong foot, and I want to apologize for overreacting last time, I guess I just have to get used to the new you now."

Elena gave a small smile.

"Apology accepted" she smiled.

"And uh, to make it up to you, I was wondering if you would like to have lunch at my place tomorrow after afternoon?"

"Like a date?"


"Like old times?"

"I hope."

"Well, I'm in" she smiled.


"I'll see you tomorrow then."

And with that she disappeared as Darling went up to Terrence.

"So you did it?" she asked.

"Yep" he said "We're having lunch at our place tomorrow."

"Okay great, now keep her there as long as you can while we try to find what's in her house."

"Got it. But are you really sure about this?"

"Relax, Hailee can pick any lock, I'm sure we handle this. Just make sure to keep Elena away as long as you can okay?"

"Okay" he said with a small sigh.

After a while, everyone finally made it to the Evil Queen's castle.

"There it is" Mira said "Home sweet home."

"Looks creepy as always" Olivia said.

"Alright" Danny said as he took out his wand "Now I need to open an entrance, everyone stand back."

Everyone stood back as he focused his powers on the wand, he then aimed it at the castle as the wand blasted out some magic onto the barrier as an opening began to form until it was big enough for everyone to fit through it.

"Let make sure it's safe" Danny said as he went to the barrier and held his hand towards it.

He was able to push his hand through the barrier indicating that it was safe.

"Okay it's safe" he announced as everyone followed him through the opening and to the front of the castle.

"I can't believe we're actually here" Mira said surprised as she looked at her old home.

"So how do we know if Elena's here?" Lauren asked.

"We don't" Danny said "Which is why Mira and I should go first."

So with Mira and Danny in front, everyone headed towards the entrance where Mira slowly opened the door and peeked in.

"All clear" she whispered as they all went inside the castle.

Now inside, everyone looked around at all the Gothic furniture and decorations that filled the castle.

"This is so creepy" Macy whispered with a scared look "I feel like we're being watched."

"Maybe we are" Mira whispered "You don't know what else could be here."

But as they continued to look around, they suddenly heard something move as they turned but saw nothing.

"What the hell was that?" Julie whispered with a scared look.

"Probably just the wind" Scott whispered.

"There's no wind in here" Danielle whispered.

"Oh dammit."

Just then a growl was heard as everyone looked up and saw a pair of red eyes staring at them.

"We really should of brought some swords" Aidan whispered with a scared look "Or guns, perhaps both."

At that point a point a large purple dragon flew down towards them with a roar as everyone ran out of the way.

"Nevermore?" Olivia gasped as Raven's pet blew fire at them as they ran out of the way.

"Why's Nevermore acting like this?!" Macy gasped.

"Must be Raven" Mira said "She must of turned her dragon evil."

Just then Nevermore began to blow out more fire.

"Everyone split up!" Mira ordered as everyone ran different ways, but Nevermore went after Mira and Olivia.

Danny was suddenly woken up by someone kicking his leg, he opened his eyes to find his wrists tied to the tree he was leaning against while Wendell in front of his.

"Surprised the bears didn't get you" Wendell smirked as he used his sword to cut the ropes that bonded Danny to the tree.

"Please" Danny begged with a scared look as he pulled the ropes off his wrist "I can't fight."

"No, you will fight. You know I once heard that if you want a man to fight, give him something to fight for."

He then bent down in front of Danny and aimed his sword at his throat as he reached into his jacket.

"What are you doing?" Danny asked with a nervous look.

"Reminding you-" Wendell smirked as he pulled out Danny's wand "What you have to fight for."

At that point it caught Danny's attention.

"Where did you get that?" he demanded as Wendell backed away while holding out the wand.

"Means something to you doesn't it?" he asked with a sneaky smile as Danny got up "Well if you want it, then you're gonna have to fight me for it."

He then tossed the sword at Danny who caught it, but he tossed it to the side as he tried to grab the wand, but Wendell knocked him down.

"Oo it's that a scratch?" he asked himself as he looked at the wand "Must be fragile."

"If you break that you are in a world of trouble" Danny growled.

"So what? It's your wand, so get it."

At that point Danny grabbed hold of the sword as he got up and swung it at Wendell who blocked the strike with his sword.

"Oo you feel that?!" he said surprised as he backed away "That swing, that was an act of bravery. Ready to try again?"

He then swung his sword at Danny who blocked it with his sword as he then aimed his sword at Wendell.

"Good" Wendell smiled with amusement "Because you've got a long way to go before you're ready to take on Elena."

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