Ch.51 Dragons

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Later that day, everyone who wanted to help all gathered in the center of main street in front of Mira and the others.

"Alright everyone listen up!" she called "So you all know why we gathered you here, it's because we may have a way to put a stop to Elena's evil plan."

"And uh, how exactly are we gonna do that?" Scott asked.

"With these" Brooke showed everyone the box filled with the dragon figurines.

"Mini dragon statues?"

"These aren't ordinary dragons, they're the same ones from Ever After, the same ones used in the Dragon Games."

At that point everyone gasped.

"Since Elena is the Evil Queen now, she's more powerful and dangerous than us, basically she's powerful as her mother now. But we've defeated the Evil Queen before, and I know we can do it again."

"You really think these dragons will help us stop Elena?" Julie asked.

"Yes, but that's not all. Everyone of you has a magic touch, and if we can combine our magic touches together, we'll be just as powerful as Elena."

"You really think this will work?" Hailee asked.

"I know it will, but we need everyone's help in order to do so, so who's with me?"

At that point everyone cheered in agreement.

"Excellent" Brooke smiled.

"Uh, quick question" Kayla called "If Elena is in the fairytale world, how exactly are we gonna get there, especially with dragons?"

"Don't worry" Mira said "Danny and I know what to do."

"Alright" Danny said "Now all we have to do is turn the figurines into dragons, Mira?"

At that point Brooke set out the dragon figurines onto the road about a foot away from each other. Everyone then stepped back as Mira stood in front of the figurines. Now focusing on her magic, she waved her hands over the figurines as they all began to glow, and soon they started to grow. Mira stepped back as everyone watched as the figurines grew larger, and more alive. Pretty soon the dragons started to growl as the 8 dragons, now fully alive stretched out their bodies and spread out their wings. Everyone's eyes widen as they stared at the dragons in front of them.

"Easy" Mira said as she held out her hands towards them "It's okay."

At that point the evil looking dragon lowered it's head towards her as she reached out and stroked it's scaly head.

"I can't believe this" Darling gasped "I haven't seen dragons in a long time."

She then went up to the blue dragon that she flew back at Ever After, the dragon lowered it's head towards her and pet it's head.

"Hold on" Aidan said "There's 8 dragons, so who's gonna go to the fairytale world?"

"Well" Brooke said "That depends on who wants to do it."

"I'll go" Darling offered "I know how to handle this dragon more."

"I'll go too" Olivia offered "I'll do whatever it takes to stop Elena."

"Alright then" Brooke said as she turned to everyone else "For those of you who aren't going to the fairytale world, you'll all stay here and be prepared in case Elena comes back. And by prepared, I mean really prepared, you don't know what she can do, for all I know she can set this whole town on fire."

At that point they all gasped.

"So yeah, be prepared."

"Wait" Olivia said "What about our dragon games armor, we're gonna need protection."

"I can take care of that" Danielle appeared as she held up her wand "Mainly because I finally found my Fairy Godmother wand."

"Alright then" Brooke said "So it's settled, for those of you who are going to the fairytale world, stay here, the rest of you go out and be prepared, there could be a bloody massacre today, so let's hope there wont be any blood."

As everyone headed out, the ones who were going to the fairytale world stayed behind.

"Okay" Danielle said to them "Are you guys ready?"

Everyone nodded. At that point Danielle started to use her wand on them, she watched as their normal clothes magically turned into their dragon games armor, it was strong and sturdy, while stylish at the same time.

"Boy did I miss these" Stella smiled as she admired her armor.

Her twin sister Sabrina, also known as Holly O'hair was also admiring her armor as her long auburn hair draped down behind her to her knees.

"Everyone set?" Brooke asked.

"Yep" they all smiled.

"You guys might wanna hurry" Danielle warned "Those armor last until midnight."

"That should be enough time" Mira said as she turned to Danny "Danny, I think it's time to open the portal."

"Alright" he said as he and Mira went away from the dragon for some space "You know what to do right?"


"Okay let's do this then."

Everyone watched as the two focused on their magic, and when they were ready, they both aimed up as they blasted their magic into the air. Using all the power they got, they continued to do so until they spotted a portal opening up that they could see the fairytale world on the other side.

"It's working!" Danny exclaimed "Keep doing it!"

And with that they continued to use their magic to open the portal up even more until they managed to fully open it so that it was large enough for the dragons to go through.

"We did it" Mira gasped.

"Alright everyone" Danny called "Get on your dragons."

Everyone got on their chosen dragon. Olivia went on her white one, Darling got on her blue one, Bridget got on hers that still had it's large headphones on along with Hailee who was riding with her, Stella got on her purple one while Sabrina got on her pink one, Lauren and Julie both got on the teal one as Aidan, Terrence, and Scott got on the biggest dragon Legend. And lastly, Mira got with Olivia and Brooke and Danny got on the evil looking dragon.

"Alright" Mira said "Let's do this."

With that everyone motioned their dragons to go, and the dragons soon took off towards the portal as they all were able to fly in and into the fairytale world.

"We're coming for you Elena" Olivia declared.

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