Ch.14 Memories

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(Flashback) The last day of school at Ever After High, and everyone was excited for summer break, except for Mira who sat on the stairs in front of the school with a sad look.

"What's with the long face?" Gold asked as he sat next to her "Aren't you excited for summer break?"

"It's just-" she sighed "Pretty soon it's gonna be a whole new school year, and everyone will expect me to become the Evil Queen."

"You haven't found anything that might help you with you destiny?"

"No" she grunted "But I swear, if I hear anyone talk about me into following my destiny, they're dead."

"Well that sounds evil."

"You know what I mean" she frown.

"Ms Queen" Headmaster Grimm went up to her "I hope you've learn some things about your destiny this year."

"What's there to learn?" Mira frowned "Everyone expects me to be the Evil Queen, well guess what old man? It's never gonna happen."

"Mira" Grimm sighed "You need to learn that I'm doing this to protect you and your story, if you don't follow your destiny, you wont even exist anymore."

"So what? It's better than following my destiny."

"Ms Queen" he frowned "You know that your story has been one of the most well known stories for many years, and if you don't follow your destiny, it'll be gone forever."

"Oh blah blah blah" she grunted as she stood up and looked him in the eye "Not everything is about you you know, and let tell you something Milton, if you really want me to be evil, alright, I'll be evil, but you're going to regret it, it's gonna be the biggest mistake you've ever made."

And with that she stomped away while clutching her fists.

"Mira wait!" Gold called as he ran up to her "What the hell was that about?"

"I don't know" she stopped with a worried look "I can't believe I just said that."

"Well that was kinda intense."

"Wait a minute" her eyes suddenly widen as she reached into her chest and pulled out her heart.

"Whoa" Gold's eyes widen.

"No" she gasped at her heart that had a black spot forming at the bottom.

"Looks like you got some Darkness in your heart."

"No you don't understand" she said with a worried look "It wasn't this much as before, it's increased."

"Whoa" he gasped "Then that means-".

"I'm getting more evil by the second" she gasped as she put her heart back into her chest "Gold what am I gonna do?"

"Hey don't ask me, I don't know about this stuff."

"If I keep acting all evil and stuff, my heart will turn all black, and that means I'll be full evil."

At the 'Wonder diner', Danny told everyone about Excalibur.

"So Excalibur is a fake?" Aidan said surprised.

""Yeah" Danny said "Elena thinks she has the real Excalibur, but the real one is still in Camelot."


"Now that I don't know."

"So does that mean the one you showed us in Camelot was a fake?" Terrence asked.

"Oh no that was the real Excalibur, it's just before Elena put me in the hat, I switched Excalibur with another sword, and using my magic, I made it look like the regular sword was Excalibur."

"But wont Elena find out that the sword she has is a fake?" Brooke asked "And if she does she'll hunt you down."

"She can hunt me down as much as she wants, but at least Excalibur is safe, wherever it is. But without Excalibur, she wont be able to do her plan."

"What is her plan exactly?" Aidan asked.

"Oh right, you guys lost your memories."

"But I think we have a way to get them back" Mira said as she held out the Dreamcatcher "We found this in Elena's home, we think she used this to take away our memories."

Danny took the Dreamcatcher and examined it.

"I think you're right" he agreed.

"So how do we get out memories back?" Brooke asked.

"Well first we need everyone who was in Camelot and lost their memories, then meet me at Town Hall and I'll use my my magic to return your memories."

"Alright we'll get everyone" Aidan said as he, Terrence, and Mira headed out.

"So what are we gonna do about Elena?" Brooke asked Danny.

"Well in order for me to get the Darkness out of her, I need her wand."

"Well that's gonna be hard to get" she said with a worried.

"If we can get that wand, we'll be able to save her. But we have to do it quick, pretty soon she's gonna find out that the sword is a fake, and she may go looking for it, and it's gonna be harder to find her and get the wand."

"So what are we suppose to do in the meantime?"

"Well first I have to return everyone's memories, and then we'll figure something out."

With the diner still in the woods, Elena sat at the counter with the Sorcerer's Hat box in her hands.

"So they know everything huh?" she said to herself "They know all about my plan, and now they're gonna try everything to stop me, well I can't let that happen."

At that point she waved her hand over the floor as everyone who came to Camelot appeared lying on the floor with their eyes closed. She then held her hand out as a Dreamcatcher appeared in her hand.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to erase their memories" she said as she held the Dreamcatcher over everyone as she used her magic to suck out their memories and into the Dreamcatcher.

After that she went to Mira's sleeping body and pulled the wand out of her belt as she then pulled out Danny's wand.

"Time to go back to Storybrooke" she said as she waved Danny's wand over everyone, and soon the diner began to shake.

Outside a twister was heading towards the diner, knowing that it was come to take the diner and everyone back to Storybrooke, Elena disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke, just as the twister came and sucked up the diner, ready to take everyone back to Storybrooke.

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