Ch.2 Sorcerer's Apprentice

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The next, everyone gathered at the 'Wonder diner' where they all got ready to go through the portal.

"So how exactly is this gonna work?" Aidan asked Mira.

"Well we got Elena's diary" Mira held up the diary "And Danielle and I are cast the location spell on it and it should take us to the fairytale world. Danielle you ready?"

"Ready" Danielle said as she pulled out the Blue Fairy's wand.

"Alright let's do this."

Mira then held out the diary as she and Danielle waved their wands over it as it began to glow, they then tapped the diary with their wands as the glow faded away.

"Now what?" Macy asked.

"Now we wait" Mira said.

Everyone waited, and soon a gush of wind was heard, Scott and Aidan looked out the window and saw that the strong wind was brushing against everything..

"Is it working?" Julie asked.

"Oh it's working alright" Scott's eyes widen as he looked out the window.

Everyone looked out the window and couldn't believe their eyes when they saw a massive twister heading towards them as the diner started to shake.

"Everyone hold on!" Danielle ordered as everyone held onto something.

"If these glass cups break I'm gonna be pissed!" Lauren yelled as she held onto the counter.

All of a sudden, everyone felt themselves being lifted up into the twister as they held on tight.

"I feel so bad for Dorthy!" Macy yelled as she held onto a table.

Everyone continued to hold onto something as the diner swirled around in the twister. Pretty soon they felt themselves fall, they fell until they landed on the ground with a thud, and everything was still.

"Is everyone okay?" Aidan asked.

"I'm still shaking" Olivia said with a scared look.

"Did we make it?" Delilah asked.

Mira went to the door and peeked out the window, she gave a small gasp as she opened the door to show everyone that they had landed in a forest.

"I think we made it" she said surprised.

Everyone then got out the diner and couldn't believe their eyes as they looked around.

"Are we really in the fairytale world?" Julie asked.

"We must be" Mira said "Raven is in the fairytale world, and the location spell brought us here, so we must be in the right place."

"Although the Evil Queen's curse is still active" Danielle put in "So wherever we are, we either can't go to Ever After High, or we can't leave Ever After."

"Yeah where exactly are we?" Terrence asked "Are we in the Enchanted Forest or something?"

"I don't think so" Scott said as he looked around "I've been around many woods and this doesn't seem like the Enchanted Forest."

"So does that mean we're out of Ever After?" Olivia asked.

"This is confusing" Macy said with a confused look "Anyone have a map or a GPS or something?"

But before anyone can answer, a rustle was heard as everyone turned to the woods.

"What was that?" Julie asked with a nervous look.

"Who's there?" Mira demanded just as a young attractive guy appeared.

"Don't worry" he said with a friendly smile "You guys don't have to be afraid of me."

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