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"Whatt?" I didn't know what to say.

"Bella ... I mean Isabella. I want you to be my main groupie. Meaning ... You have to keep me happy." He smirked.

What is he doing? He's up to something. Keeping him happy every day. How will I do that!?

"I don't even have a choice, do I?" I asked him.

"Nope." He popped the P on nope and clapped his hands.

I rolled my eye and flopped back on my bed hitting my head.

"Oww." I groaned.

"I have something planned for us later." He patted my leg.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You'll find out." He left.

God that accent of his. His deep voice. His perfect skin color. He's the meaning of perfection. Ughh.

After minutes of deciding what to wear I decided to go with leggings and a plain shirt. Slack day. I didn't have anything to do at all because I'm Calum's main groupie now. Can't leave without him.

Omg that fucker. He did this because I left without saying yesterday!

I laid in bed watching Teen Wolf. I got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello." I answered it.

"Isabella?" Sadie's voice was on the other line. "Can you come and get me from the airport, I came back because fans have been blowing up my phone."

"Yeah, let me find some keys or someone to take me." I stood from the bed grabbing the hotel key, putting my shoes on.

"Thanks." She hung up.

I am so relieved that she's back. Luke will be hyped. She can help me out with this main groupie thing. I walked out and saw Michael.

"Michael, I need keys to a car." I smiled.

"Erm, here but from my point of view you stole them from me." He patted my shoulder.

I nodded and ran to the elevator. I pressed 1 and hoped Calum wouldn't see me. I got safety, but finding Michael's car is a pain. I found it eventually. I drove to the airport which was hours away from the hotel. God have mercy on my soul.

"Omg, thanks you so much." Sadie smiled.

"I have so much to tell you but first lets get something to eat." I pulled out my phone went off.


I know this because of the ring tone. It's Guys My Age by Hey Violet.

"You should answer that." Sadie looked at me then my phone.

"I'm driving. You answer it." I said stopping at a red light.

She sighed and picked up the phone.

"Isabella Argent! Get your ass back to this fucking hotel right now!" Calum shouted.

"She's driving right now." Sadie said.

The line went dead. They didn't hang up but no one said anything.

"Sadie?" Luke's broken voice came though.

"Luke." Sadie sighed.

"I missed you so much." Luke sniffed.

"I bet." She said. "Anyways, I request to share a room with Isabella, so move Nicki out of there."

"Why are you being so cold to Luke. He's been beating himself up Sadie." Calum grumbled. "And Isabella, be prepared for your punishment when you get back. I'll be waiting." Calum hung up.

My eyes widen, and my heart beat picked up. Oh no.

"Be prepared." Sadie laughed.

"You caused this." I mumbled.

We got something to eat and headed back to the hotel. I didn't want to go but what else am I going to do.


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Sorry for the short chapter.

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