Losing All Control

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You had no idea what to do. Ian had been here for over a month now. You two have had sex about 20 times already. You felt bad for Jason but you knew that Ian was probably "the one", if something like that even exists. You thought that your talk at Central Park would help clear things up, but it didn't. If anything, it made things even more complicated. You felt bad for string both Ian and Jason along, but things were way too complicated in your mind. You had doubts about Ian, ones that you've never felt with Jason. Even if you didn't fully love Jason, you felt loved and you felt that he would always be there. Ian is different in every way. You two are so similar but so different at the same time, which is maybe why it'll never work. You had a work trip coming up. Normally you'd go alone but you wanted a chance to just be with Ian without having to hide it.

Your days with (Y/N) were usually spent in a hotel bed. You obviously enjoyed it but you missed being able to take her out. You missed being able to kiss her and hold her hand in public. You began to wonder if she was worth it. All of this sneaking around was starting to frustrate you. You didn't want to share her with anyone. Just as you were thinking, she texted you.

"Hey" She said.

"Hey" You said back.

"I have to go on a trip thing for work and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me??"

"Yea, of course. Where is it?" You were excited at the thought of being able to be with her without wondering if anyone you knew saw you.

"It's in New Jersey. I know it's not very far but I thought it would be nice."

"No, it's great."

You quickly began to pack up what little thins you had here. The trip was only for 2 days but it was enough. This was what you two needed. When you told Max and Joji they glared at you.

"So why are you going to New Jersey, exactly?" Max asked.

"It's for (Y/N), she has work there."

"You're totally whipped, dude." Max said while Joji sat there quietly.

"I'm not whipped." You said.

"You totally are, you're constantly at her service, you drop everything to see her including us, you've been here for a month and we've only got 3 videos done." Max said angrily, "Its either she wants to be with you or not. She's playing games and you know it. Honestly you could do better." He finally said.

"It's not that simple." You said quietly. What he said made sense but you didn't know what to say.

"Maybe you should just talk to her about it, if she doesn't want to be with you, then you need to finally move on." Joji finally spoke.

You didn't know what to do. Should you even go on this trip. As much as you thought you loved her, maybe she didn't feel the same. This "love" you felt, was very one sided. You reluctantly decided to go.

Once you two got there, she immediately had to take care of work. You wandered around the hotel. It was a nice hotel, there was a pool, spa, golf course, and a nice bar. You didn't normally drink, but you were really bored. You ordered fireball and drank it as you sat there quietly. You soon realized that you didn't fit in here or in New York. Big cities weren't your place. You didn't even fit in with her lifestyle. Lately, she was very professional looking, she lived in a nice apartment, and she was a completely different person from what you remembered.

When she was finally done, she came back to the hotel room and laid down with you as you were sleeping. You soon woke up and saw her.

"Hey, sleepyhead." She said. You two weren't much for pet names but it was nice.

"Hey, did you just get back?" You said as you rubbed your eyes.

"Yea like 10 or so minutes ago." She said while running her fingers through your hair.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?"

"Sure" she said while getting up.

You two walked through the golf course. It was around 7:00 pm and there were lights that lit up the course. It was like a scene out of a romance movie or something. You two kept walking until you saw a couple having a candle lit dinner in the middle of the course. Before you knew it, that couple was getting engaged. (Y/N) made hard noises as you just stared at the couple. They looked so happy, you knew that you wanted that one day. (Y/N) snapped you out of it. She put both of her arms around your torso as you put your arm around her. It was nice not worry about being caught.

"Do you ever wanna get engaged one day?" You asked her.

"I'm already engaged." She said while laughing before realizing how she sounded, "I mean, yea, I don't know. Do you?" She asked.

"Yea." You simply said.

"I feel like there's a lot of tension right now and I think we should just let it out." She blurted out. She sounded the the old her. "I'll go first. I don't know what to do. I love you. Like a lot, but I don't know what to do about it and I wish I didn't make things more complicated then they needed to be and I'm sorry for that." She said quickly.

"I love you. I'm in love you. I don't want to have to share you with anyone else. I don't want to sneak around. I don't want to have to go New Jersey to feel normal with you. I just want to be with you without having to feel guilty or sad about it." You had probably never been more honest in your life. It felt good to let it out.

She put both of her hands on your face before kissing you. It felt nice to just be together. You two made it back to the hotel room. You two pulled off each others clothes before laying her on the bed. You two planted kisses on each others body before actually having sex. When you were done, she laid on your chest as you ran your fingers through her hair.

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