Dream of You

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You had never been to New York before. The closest you came to New York was Philadelphia, but that was only for a day. You had thought about coming here a couple of times, but that was only for (Y/N). About a year ago, you came close to going to New York to see her and tell her that you were still in love with her. You don't know what stopped you from going but you were glad you didn't go, it would have been a mistake. There was a reason you weren't together. No reasons came to mind in this moment, but there defiantly were reasons. You had to keep telling yourself that, if you didn't, then you'd just be obsessed with her and you didn't want that. You were however, finally going to New York. Not for her, but for your friends, Max and Joji. You guys always met up in Australia for Max and you guys thought it was about time you go to New York, for Joji. They meant a lot to you, not to get too sentimental, but they helped you when you were going a rough time. You knew that (Y/N) was in New York, but it was a big city, there was no way you'd see her. However, if you did see her, what would you say? How would you act? Would she recognize you? I mean you haven't changed much but still. Maybe she completely erased you from her brain. It was time to stop thinking and enjoy the rest of the flight.

The sound of your alarm blasted into your eardrum. It was 6:00 and time for work. You rolled over and noticed the other half of the bed was empty for once. You didn't know where Jason was, but you kind of liked it empty. Maybe it wasn't that you liked it empty, maybe it was that you liked him not in it. Although you were engaged, everything felt kind of wrong. You probably shouldn't have said yes, but there was always divorce, right? You got out of bed and wandered to the kitchen, where you saw him. He was sitting at the table, shirtless, and eating a bowl of cereal. He was an attractive man. He had some muscles, brown hair, green eyes, a great smile, an amazing job on Wall Street. He seemed perfect, but then again that's what you thought of Chris...and Ian.

"Good Morning babe." He said while walking over to you and grabbing your waist as he kissed your neck.

"Good Morning." You said quietly as you pushed him away. He then walked away and continued eating. You honestly didn't know how he put up with you.

You finished breakfast and got ready. You were recently promoted to a photo editor for Vogue Magazine. You missed working at a small magazine but working at Vogue reminded you of The Devil Wears Prada, so that was a plus. You walked to work everyday, since you lived relatively close. It was never a pleasant walk. The streets were always busy and loud. Once you finally got to work, you went to your office and sat for a couple minutes. You felt weird today and you didn't know why. You had this strange feeling of nostalgia wash over you. You began to think about living in San Diego and actually enjoying your job. You would just take pictures and edit them yourself. You could be as creative as you wanted. You didn't have an office, you didn't have to edit other people's pictures, you didn't have as many rules to follow, as many responsibilities. Everything was simple. You used to love living here, what happened? You thought that coming back would be the best option for you, especially after Ian. You were beginning to think this was a mistake. You quickly snapped out of your thoughts when your boss came in.

"Do you have the pictures for the fall editorial ready?"

"Uh, yea, they're right...here." You said as you pulled pulled up the pictures on your computer. "I'll send them right now."

"It's about time." She said as she walked out of your office. She was such a bitch. You did some more work until your lunch break. You and Jason always met up for lunch and went to the same café almost everyday.

Your plane had finally landed. You took a cab to Joji's apartment in Brooklyn. The city seemed so big. Even at night there were so many people. The bright lights kept you awake even though you could pass out at any moment. Once you got to Joji's, you paid the cab and walked up to his place. You could already hear Max screaming when you knocked on the door.

"HEY MAN" Max yelled as he opened the door. You could tell he was already drunk. Joji pushed him aside to greet you.

"Shut up, you'll get me kicked out of here." He told Max. "Hey Ian, how was your flight?" He said as he pushed Max aside and welcomed you in. His place was pretty messy. His roommates were out of town, so you guys had the apartment to yourselves. Joji showed you to your room and you set your stuff down. The room was fairly clean. You made your way back to the living room and Max handed you a beer. You weren't much of a drinker, but you thought "What the Hell" and took a sip. After a couple hours of just drinking and talking, you decide it was time for bed. Once your head hit the pillow, you were out.

It was 11:00. You had stayed at the office for long enough. Although you weren't entirely happy with your job, you found yourself staying late more often. You never had much work but you didn't want to go home. You took a cab home, since walking at this hour probably wasn't a good idea. Jason was already home and he had cooked dinner. It was cold by the time you got there. He was already in bed when you got home. You decided to shower and then out your pjs on before heating up your food. It was spaghetti. You weren't too fond of spaghetti but you weren't much of a cook. After you ate, you climbed into bed, Jason was already asleep. You turned off the light and slept as far away from him as possible.

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