A New Beginning

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As I walk into the doors into my new work I smell coffee and hear the clicking of computers. I take a look around observing all the men and women looking through files.
"Agent Carter?" I hear faintly.
"Agent Carter." I turn around to see a man in a suit with dark black hair looking at me from the top of some stairs.
"Oh um yes?" I said walking closer.
"Agent Hotchner." He said extending his hand for me to shake, "Let me introduce you to your new team. Follow me." He said walking in a fast but solid pace. I felt all over the place as I raced to keep up. We walk into a room with a circle round table with 6 people sitting around it and Agent Hotchner now stands at the front.
"Hotch who's this?" A very handsome man of color asked.
"This is Agent Carter." He said.
I smiled and then quickly realized they were all looking at me waiting for me to say something.
"Uh yeah hello. I'm Allie. Or Agent Carter." I said hoping someone would say something.
"I'm Emily Prentiss." A girl with dark hair says kindly.
"My name is Jennifer but you can call me JJ." Another girl with blonde and long hair said.
"I'm Derek Morgan, but just Morgan is fine." The man who spoke earlier said.
"We can do more introductions on the plane. We have a case. 3 dead in Tulsa Oklahoma. Prostitutes, ages 21 to 24. Bound at the wrist and feet and all three found in a motel bed."
"Any sexual assault?" Morgan asked.
"All three." Hotch answered.
"It says here all three are run aways. Maybe the UnSub has a family member or friend that ran away. He possibly could've felt abandoned by this person or like maybe they ran away to get away from him." Said this tall linky guy. His hair was a brownish color and styled in a messy fashion. He was dressed nice. A sweater vest and a tie. Cute, I thought.
"Well we don't have much time. One were killed every week. That means we only have 48 hours to catch the UnSub. Wheels up in 20." Hotch left the room and everyone began to close their files and leave.
"Do you have a to-go bag?" JJ asked me.
"Yeah. I think." I said trying to remember.
"Might wanna check. We won't be there long, but a few days." She said giving me a smile and leaving.
I met everyone on the jet and sat down next to Prentiss.
"We are probably looking for a male. Considering all the kills are female and stabbed multiple times which takes a lot of strength." Morgan says. A man with dark but kind of gray hair walks towards us with a drink in his hand.
"Probably suffers from hatred towards a mother figure or maybe a girlfriend." He says. He then looks at me.
"My name is David Rossi. Glad to have you on the team." He says politely. I smile at him and he takes a seat next to JJ.
"What do you have Garcia?" I hear as I turn to look at a computer screen with the other blonde girl on it.
"Nada." She says sounding disappointed. "It's like these girls ran away and deleted every record of their history."
"Well keep looking." Hotch said.
"Will do my best honey bunnies." She said and then quickly pressed a button and just like that the call was ended and we were back to talking about the killer. A few more minutes pass before we have time to just sit. Prentiss was talking to JJ. Hotch and Rossi were talking and Morgan was listening to music. I see the tall guy sitting by himself and reading. I get up and walk towards him hoping he will finally tell me his name. I take a seat across from him and he seems completely oblivious. Less then 2 seconds pass and he has already flipped a page. Is he really reading? I extend my arm with a smile forced on my face.
"Allie Carter." I say happily. He looks up from his book and to my hand. Then to my face and gives a sly smile.
"It's nice to meet you but I don't shake hands." He replies. I pull my hand back.
"Oh." I say.
"I'm Spencer Reid." He says breaking the silence and then goes back to his book. I smile and look around the plane. I've never been happier to be somewhere. I've been trying so hard to make it here and here I am. A new beginning, I think. I hope.

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