Chapter 12

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I felt the plan touchdown on my hometown and I could feel my heart beat pickup.
"Hey Allie." It was Rossi.
"Hi David." I said with a fake smile wiped on my face like paint.
"How you feeling?" He asked.
"Like shit." I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"It'll get better. We'll catch him Carter. Don't worry about it."
"Thank you Rossi. Honestly. It means a lot to me." I said. He nodded and walked away as we all got up to leave the plane. As I stepped off the plane and felt a hand sneak into mine and squeezed mine tight. Spence. I took a deap breath and exhaled. We got into the building and I felt my phone virbrate. I looked at the screen that said "Unknown Caller".
I looked at Spencer and gave him a kiss, "I'll be right back." I left to a more private place and answered.
"Ah Al. I see you got our message. Will we be seeing you soon?" The caller asked.
"I sure as hell hope so." I said in a stern voice.
"Great. Well we are right where you know we are. If we see any of your cop friends follow though, we will shoot. Your boyfriend seems to care an awful lot about you and vise versa. It'd suck to see the only good thing in your life leave wouldn't it? See you soon Allie." And just like that the phone went dead. I could feel my eyes burn and my mind race. There's no way I can let them hurt Spencer. Or anyone on this team! This is my mess and no one is getting hurt for it. I shoved my phone into my backpack and walked up to Derek.
"Derek, I need something."
"Anything." He said.
"I need you to keep Reid safe. He's the one most in danger."
"How do you know that? Did he talk o you??" He said getting angry and worried.
"No. It's just common sense. They've been watching us this whole time and Reid and I are open about us. If they want to hurt me most they will take him out." I said.
"Tell Hotch I know where they are and I'm ready to go. I have a plan. If they see any of you, they will kill you." I said getting ready.
"Carter, you do know that you aren't working the case right?" He asked.
"You can't work the case. It's too personal to you."
"No no no, Morgan I have to. You don't understand; i have to."
"I'm sorry Allie. Where are they? We will get them for you." He said giving me a serious look. I gave him a phony place where I used to feed horses and I waved them all goodbye. I gave Reid a fierce and passionate kiss before he left just in case. Because he might be safe for now but I might not be. They all left and I hopped in a SUV and headed south before I finally reached my destination. My home. I put the car in park and pulled out my phone. I messaged everyone in a group chat.
"Thank you guys so much for trying to help me. I can't begin to thank you enough. And I'm sorry but they wouldve hurt you guys and I couldn't let any of you get hurt because of me." I hit send and put my phone in my passenger seat along with my gun. I opened the door and breathed in the fresh air and closed my eyes for a split second before I started walking towards the door. I put my hand on the door handle and start to question everything I'm doing.  I'm doing it for them, I thought. I felt my heart race and my mind swirl as I opened the door. It felt like I had just unlocked a tidal wave of memories I kept hidden in the back of my mind. And all at once they came flooding back to me. I could feel pressure on my chest making it harder and harder to breathe in the stale air. I looked at the torn up walls and the dust covered railings for the stairs. I could hear my screams coming faintly from the basement where I was stowed. I could feel the ground creak beneath my feet and I could feel the presence of the people I hated most. My nightmare is in this house with me. The door slammed shut and I swiftly turned around realizing it was just the wind. I exhaled and looked back to the kitchen where I was heading. I see him. Tall and blonde just like I remember at the coffee shop. His muscles bulged out of his shirt and his smile looked kind. If only it were.
"Hi Al." He said with a smile.
"Where is he Matthew?" I asked sternly.
"Right down here. So should I call you agent Carter or Allie?" He asked as I walked closer towards him.
"Neither. Those names are reserved for people I actually care about." I took in one last look of the upstairs before I came to a halt where he stood in front of me. I felt my knees shake but I prayed to God that he didn't notice. I could feel my eyes getting heated and my face getting red but I stood there with my arms crossed and a glare on my face.
"Funny Al. Looks like some things never change huh?" He grabbed my arm and held it with a tight grip. I jerked trying to pull my arm away because it was unexpected. "Remember all of this Al?" He asked looking up and down at the house.
"No," I said, "the only times I was upstairs was when people came over and that monster wanted to look like a normal family. Or when I escaped." I said giving a smirk. He gripped my arm tighter and let out a grunt.
"Well then let's go and check out the room you will remember most." He said shoving me down the stairs. "Any memories yet?" He asked. I ignored his commented and tried my best to block out the nightmares flooding my mind.
"Al." And there it was. I got goosebumps that covered my whole body and a fear that I just couldn't shake. I felt everything fall. My breathing increased and my heart was beating so fast it hurt. The mix of feelings overwhelmed me. I hated him. I hated him more then anyone I knew. And now here he is. And I felt so much more then anger. Shame, sadness, loneliness, embarrassment, longing. I just wanted a dad. And I got stuck with a monster. And a brother that helped. I finally found the strength to look at him. He had brown hair that was slicked back. He had muscles but was obviously older. He sat in a chair in front of me wearing jeans, a black shirt and a grin.
"Michael." I retorted.
"Ah c'mon Al. I thought we were closer then that. Why not call me dad?" He asked getting up and walking towards me. I felt Matthew kick me in the back of the knee just enough to make me fall to my knees onto the concrete basement floor and Michael grab my face. "Or daddy?" He said smirking. I felt the heat blaze through me and I ripped my face out of his grasp.
"Still the same ol' Al huh Matt?" He said laughing.
"Sure is." Matthew replied. He let go of me I felt dizzy. Focus, I thought, you need to focus.
"What do you want?" I asked still staring at the ground.
"You." Michael said pulling me up by my hair. I screamed and put my hands on my head. "Ever since you left Allie we've been...well..lonely." He said searching me with his eyes. He threw me right into my brothers arms where he held my arms back, restraining me. I grunted trying to get free. "And to watch you give it all to..Oh what's his name?" He asked closing his eyes and snapping his fingers for dramatic effect.
"Spencer Reid." I heard my brother say behind me.
"Ah yes. Spencer." My dad said laughing. I shook my head disgusted. "Aw. Don't worry Allie. As long as you give us what we want, we won't hurt him."
"You won't hurt him no matter what." I said laughing. "Do you actually think you'd ever be strong enough to take on Spencer or my team? You're going down Michael. You too Matthew. Both of you. And I will continue to give everything I have to Spencer. I will continue to love and care for him like I did for neither of you. You will not win. Ever. And the fact that you think you will is just hilarious to me." And just like that the first hit came right at my face.

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