Chapter 6

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"Hey," I said brushing my hair behind my eat and looking down at Reid at his desk.
"Hey," He said looking up at me.
"We have a case." I said nodding over to the room where the rest of the team sat. He got up and followed me in. We both sat down and looked at Garcia near the screen.
"4 days ago a body was found in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her name was Samantha Johnson. She was beaten and tortured yet had on new clothes and had washed hair. Two weeks ago, the same thing with Jordan Mchelm. And again last month with Aubry Weather."
"Her nails are painted." I said observing the picture.
Prentiss looked through her file, "cause of death?"
"The UnSub must have strangled them." Hotch guessed by looking at the marks on their throat. They had bruises and marks all over their body but these were hand shaped.
"Any sexual assault?" Rossi asked.
"Not that we know of." Hotch responded. Everyone stayed silent as we finished reading the files.
"Wheels up in 30." Hotch said.
We made it to Salt Lake and headed to our hotel rooms. I laid my duffle bag on my bed and started to unpack it. I pulled out all my clothes and put it in one drawer. I took out the files and set them on my nightstand along with my phone. I went into the bathroom and got in the shower. I got out, wrapped myself in a towel and then wrapped my hair in one of its own. I pulled out my tooth bush and started brushing my teeth when I heard my phone buzz. I walked over to my nightstand and picked it up clicking it on. I had one message from an unknown number.
See you soon.
I clicked it off and looked around my quiet room. I went over to the sink and rinsed off my toothbrush with a blurred mind. I got into my pajama shorts and a tank top and sat on my bed staring at the black tv thinking of anyone it could be.
Just stay calm, I thought, it could literally be anyone. It could be a kid pulling a prank, or Morgan being a jerk. It could just be as simple as that. There's no need to think it could be someone dangerous. It couldn't be your brother. How could he have gotten your number even if he recognized you? And it definitely couldn't be your-
My thoughts were interuppted by a knock at my door and I choked back a scream, gripping at the sheets below my fingers. I slowly walked over to the door grabbing my gun off the dresser as I went. I held it close to my thigh and put my hand on the door knob. I twisted it and moved my gun closer to the front of me and then I saw Spencer. I sighed and opened the door more for him to come in.
"You scared me," I said putting the gun back down on the dresser.
"I see," He said looking at the gun I set down. He shut the door and walked over towards me.
"I hope you don't mind me being in here. I had nothing better to do." He said looking around.
"I don't mind." I shrugged and patted to the spot next to me on the bed. I grabbed for the remote and turned the tv on. He sat next to me and I flipped through the channels.
"There's absolutely nothing on." I said passing through all the channels at least twice. He laughed and I felt a tingly sensation in me. I looked over at him and felt my breathing pick up. He looked at me and smiled. I leaned in and kissed him. We sinked lower into the bed and he pulled me closer to him. My heart raced at just the touch of him. The heat between us was undeniable. The love between us was undeniable. His hands are on my lower back and mine are on his shoulder blades pulling him down on me. With him nothing matters. I feel so good and so safe just to be with him. It's such a dangerous risk to take, but I don't have much of a choice. I'm falling so hard in love. Even if I could stop it, I don't think I would. To be in love is a feeling I wouldn't trade for the world.

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