Chapter 13

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Memories came flooding back just as his fist connected with my cheekbone. The pain was familiar as I had felt it many times as a child. I could hear a wicked laughter coming from Matthew and I assumed he was high off of something. Finally Michael stopped and I twisted my head back to face him.
"C'mon Ally. Just like ol' times eh?" He socked me in the stomach and I felt the air leave me. I gasped a few times trying to take back the oxygen I lost.
"Yeah." I coughed with hatred in my eyes. "Just like old times." And with that I swung my leg up and kicked him right where he'd feel it most. He cumbled over in pain and scowled at me.
"You little-" and suddenly my vesion went black. I woke up to my hair stuck to my face and water burning the back of my throat. I coughed and then gasped for air as my hair clung around my throat. As I blinked water fell into my eyes.
"She's awake." My dad mumbled.
"Perfect." Matthew muttered.
I coughed and turned onto my side. I felt jabbing pains all over my body every time I moved but I couldn't give up. Matthew drug me up to my knees by my hair and my dad sucker punched me in the stomach again. I grunted and fell felt my hands hit the concrete as I doubled over. I stared at the grey broken floor coughing and trying to catch my breath as my vision started to go blurry.
"Do you think its dead yet?" my dad asked in a dark tone.
"Let's do it one more time for safe measures." Matthew responded as he kicked me in the gut knocking me onto my side. I tasted the blood in my mouth as I continued to gasp for air. My baby, I thought. I screamed and attempted to stand to my feet. I was wobbly but started swinging anyway. My vision went black and I lost my balance causing me to fall to cold floor. I saw the blood drip from my mouth and began to cry.
"Fuck you both" I said softly but with killer intent.
My dad grabbed me by the throat, lifted me to my feet, and slammed me against the wall.
"Don't you know to have respect for your family?" he asked with a smirk on his face.
I could feel myself weaving in and out of consciousness. Suddenly the basement door swung open and Morgan, JJ, and Hotch raced down the stairs. Through my blurred vision I saw Morgan tackle Matthew who tried putting up a fight.
Hotch and JJ had their guns pointed at my dad.
"Michael Carter, let her go." Hotch said sternly. He scoffed and I felt his grip around my neck lift. I was incapable of holding myself up so I fell the ground. JJ rushed over to me as Hotch rushed over to Michael and swiftly handcuffed him.
"We already did our damage." my dad muttered as he was being taken up the stairs. Reid rushed down as soon as my brother and dad were out of the doorway.
"Hey you're okay now." he said calmly. I looked into his eyes and started sobbing. He pulled me into his arms and held me until I heard Prentiss saying something about a medic. Reid put my arm around his shoulder and practically carried me out of that wretched house. I was put into an ambulance where Reid rode to the hospital with me. I passed out as soon as the overly bright hospital lights hit my eyes and woke up five hours later with Spencer reading a book in the chair next to me.
"Spence" I said softly. He looked up from his book and quickly put it down on the chair next to him.
"Hey," he said walking towards me, "how are you feeling?"
"I'm okay," I said drained.
"Spencer hows..hows the baby?" I asked with a pit of anxiety in my stomach. He looked sad and grabbed my hand.
"Ally, we lost the baby." He said softly. I felt my heart drop and my eyes start to flood with tears. He kissed my forehead and gripped my hand tighter as we both endured the heartbreak together.

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