Chapter 11

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We arrived there and walked into the conference room.
"There they are. Hey Carter, do you ever actually go back to your house?" Morgan said. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"Alrighty then," Garcia started the slideshow and we began blurting out ideas. We got to the last victim and she had a note with her. It read 'Oh Al, I told you we'd find you again. Can't wait to see you. You know where to find us.' I gave a confused look to indicate I had no idea what this was about.
"Allie?" Rossi asked.
"I've never been called Al by anyone." I stated, "this has to be for someone else involved."
"Okay wheels up in 30." Hotch said. I gathered up my papers.
"You okay?" Reid asked.
"Yeah I'm fine." I said smiling. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Carter can I talk to you in my office?" Hotch said. I walked into his office and stood looking around as he shut the door. "Take a seat." He said. "What are you not telling me?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Carter." He said. I could feel my heart beat faster and faster.
"Hotch I really don't know what you mean. I'm telling you everything."
"Allie you are withholding information that could potentially save these victims. If you do not tell me now I will be forced to go through your files and most likely find things you don't want me to find. Tell me Allie, who calls you Al and why are you lying?"
"I'm not lying Hotch. You can't go through my files. That's an invasion of privacy."
"Not if that privacy is getting people killed." He said raising his voice. "Stay here." He said walking towards the door. I jumped up out of my chair.
"Hotch you don't want to do that. You can't do that!" I screamed. He gave me a look that felt like an apology of some kind and left the room. My mind was racing. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest and I could hear ringing in my ears.
"No. No no." I repeated walking around the room. "No!!!" I screamed punching his desk. I combed my hair with my hand. He's going to find out. He's going to find out about everything. About everything you did.
●9 years ago●
"Matthew? Matthew please help me. I need help. You're my brother, please."
"I can't."
"Yes. You can. Matthew please."
"He's coming. I have to go."
"No! Matthew! Get back here! Matthew!!!"

I heard the door open and I lifted my head off Hotch's desk. He sat back down at his desk.
"Have you told Reid any of this?" He asked.
"I haven't told anyone." I said sounding tired.
"Carter why does he want you back?"
"I don't know."
"I don't know!" I shouted. "I don't know. He's crazy. He doesn't even deserve to be out of jail. But no one believed me Hotch."
"Why didn't you tell me this?" He asked.
"Because I didn't think it would matter. Plus, who could say you would believe me either?" I said.
"You're still hiding something from me."
"No. I'm not." I said. He got up and left the room. I sighed and let a tear drop from my eyes. I covered my face. I want to tell him. I wanted to tell him so bad about the calls but I'm scared. I can't tell him. I hear the door open and wiped my face off expecting Hotch.
"Allie?" I turned around and saw Reid.
"Spencer." I said getting up. He walked towards me and hugged me. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I bawled on his shoulder. Letting out sobs as he hugged me tighter.
"You're okay. You're okay." He said softly. He pulled me away and wiped away my tears. "Allie, will you please talk to me? These people are dying. I need you to tell me everything."
"Spencer, I can't." I said.
"Yes. You can. You need to. Allie, I will never judge you. I will never not believe you. You have to tell me everything." He said squeezing me arms. I studied him carefully.
"Okay." I finally said, "but I'll tell them to Hotch." He looked confused by my statement but finally nodded and left. Shortly after Hotch opened the door.
"I know you're the one who knows the most right now and you're the one who knows how to get the most out of me." I said.
"Okay, then let's begin." He said as we both took seats. "How old were you when everything happened?"
"I was 8. Before I was 8 I had a mom. I had a brother too. My mom left my dad for another man and left me and my brother with him. He snapped and went after me. He trapped me in my room and that's where I would stay. He would often come in and-" I stopped. Suddenly completely out of breath and unable to speak.
"Did it ever get worse?" He asked.
"Yes. He would beat me. I would try to rebel and get beaten more. I would go days without food and I was only given a water bottle to last me a week. That's when I decided I wanted to help people. To make a difference in this world. To save kids like me. My brother was 2 years older then I was. His name is Matthew. He would refuse to help me. He was scared, but so was I. He went the opposite direction in which I went. Instead of wanting to help people, he wanted to hurt people. He would often join in abusing me with my father once he got older. He was stronger. No matter how many times I tried to beat him, he would win. So, when my father was gone, he would do what my father would do. When I got old enough I was stronger. I picked my lock and ran down the stairs and saw my dad laying on the couch unconscious with alcohol bottles surrounding him. I escaped but I had no where to go. I was 16, I didn't have any friends or anyone to turn to so I stayed on the streets. I worked at a restaurant during the day and a strip club took enough pity on me to hire me for night shifts. I found the time in between shifts to study and I got my GED. When I got enough money I moved here, rented an apartment, and joined the team. Just recently I have started getting calls. From him. I saw him at a coffee shop when I was with Spencer and we left immediately. And now he's killing people Hotch. Because of me." I felt my eyes burn.
"He's not killing because of you Allie, he's killing for you." He said.
"I tried to report it Hotch, I really did. But no one wanted to take the case. They didn't even try."
"Just because they didn't take the case doesn't mean there's no one who believes you." He said reassuringly.
"Well it sure did feel like it." I said.
"I do." He said. "You said you wanted to help people like yourself and you have. Now you can help yourself. There might have not been a case but now is the time to get justice for yourself like you wanted Carter. Are you ready?"
"Yes." I said. We both stood up and left the room. Reid was sitting outside waiting for me. He grabbed my hand and we got on the plane to go stop my brother.

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