Chapter 2

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The Next Morning I woke up to my phone buzzing in my ear. I looked down but all I could see was a bug a blur. I put on my glasses and looked again and I had 2  messages from James.I clicked on them and the first one said " Thanks for calling me" which he sent me at 12:20am the second one was a text saying "Good Morning beautiful" I texted him back saying Good Morning. When I read the last message I got that feeling again. I texted Jasmine who is my best friend and was ever since we were little. I met Jas through soccer and at our 4th game or so we became closer than ever. So I gave her a call. She didn't answer so I decided I'd call her later. I got out of bed to take Gabe out for a walk. I kept my warm fuzzy cheetah pj pants on and through on my Gray nothface on and headed outside. It was really cold this morning. I'm not used to it being this cold in L.A. so I was enjoying the coldness. I came back in from letting Gabe out and I got his food out and made me a bagel with strawberry cream cheese on it. I walked back upstairs to grab my phone off the charger and I had a missed call from Jasmine. I grabbed my phone and walked back downstairs to go eat. I got my food ready and sat a the bar and called Jasmine back. I told her I had SO much to tell her and she asked if I wanted to meet her up at the Starbucks right down the street from me. I said sure and said I'd call her when I'm ready. I ate my breakfast and then when up stairs to go shower. After the shower I put on one of my favorite fall outfits. I had on my blue skinny jeans with my gray uggs, a white flow shirt with a gray scruffily scarf, and my gray northface. I took Gabe out one lastime before I went out. I called Jas and told her I'd be there in 10 minutes. I took Gabe back inside and left to go meet Jasmine. I got to Starbucks and when I got there Jas was already there sitting at a table. I walked in and walked to the table and gave her a big hug.Jas was wearing her brown uggs with jeans and a striped shirt with a jean jacket. Before I sat down I went and ordered a Double Chocolate Chip frape with a chocolate cake pop. I got my things and sat down at the table, Jas was drinking a Carmelo Frape with a Carmelo salted cake pop. I asked her about her boyfriend Mika. She told me he was doing fine and that hes coming home for three days from his tour.

"So whats the thing you wanted to tell me?" She asked me taking a sip of her frape.

"I ran in to this guy named James Maslow.hes a singer/actor and is in the band BTR ." I told her. 

"How'd you meet him?" She asked. 

"At work he brought his dog in for a check up and we just connected." I told her

"Did you get his number?" She asked me smiling

"Yes I did and he also took me to lunch yesterday as well." I added as I smiled and took a drink.

I told her all my feelings for him and how I feel when I see him or when I talk to him. She told me that when she first met Mika she felt the same way. She told me that when she first saw Mika she knew he was the one for her. I got really happy and started thinking what if that's what James and I will end up like. The rest of the time me and Jas just talked about what are family was up too and decided me and her needed to get away and go on a vacation. I was on my way to the mall with Jasmine and then James gave me a call and asked if I wanted to go to his house and hangout i said sure and that I'd be over around 8. 

It was 8 and I was just now getting home. I put out Gabes food and took him outside before I left to go to James'. I pulled in James' house around 8:15.and I was so excited to see him again. As I walked up to the door James greeted me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I walked in to his house and he gave me a tour. James lives in a really big house I love it! I told him he had a really nice house and he said he likes it to but now its my turn to have him over mine. I laughed and siad ok anytime. We sat on the couch and watched Tv. We really didn't do anything we just watched tv and talked. It was 11 and I told him I should probably go. I didn't want to leave I wanted to stay all night but I had to get home to Gabe. He walked me out and we stood on his steps as we said goodbye. I told him to text me soon and he said he would he gave me a hug and said goodbye. There's that feeling what is this.. He let go and stared into my eyes. He leaned in and gave me the greatest kiss I ever had. I walked back to my car and couldn't stop smiling. I was in shock. I was in..In heaven.! I will never forget this night. I got home and put on my pj's layed in bed and turned on my tv. I texted Jasmine and told her everything. I was getting sleepy so I told Jas night and went to sleep. 

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