Chapter Twenty Six

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Alex's POV

After our game against the Houston Dash, we went back to our hotel and we called it a night.

Kelley was back with her club team and I missed having her around. But we did plan on getting together on the weekends and whenever we are available.

I let out a sigh as I set my stuff on the floor and go to the bathroom and take a shower.

Once I was all changed I collapsed onto my bed and just stared up at the ceiling.

So much has happened over these past couple months. And I missed Tobin because she was the first person that I've ever truly loved. But Kelley has been someone close to my heart and at this moment, I want her here with me.

I let out a sigh and I thought about Tobin and where it all started.


I closed the front door as I put my hood up and started walking towards Tobin's house. I knew where her house was, I saw her walk to her house everyday. It was dark out already and it was late but I had to do something.

As I walked their I shoved my hands into my pocket and thought about what I did to her today. The look on her face when I slammed her face against her own locker shook me.

She was terrified and what was worse was that she couldn't even fight back anymore. She was so weak and so defeated and it was my fault. But at the same time it wasn't. My friends were the ones controlling my actions.

I know I have a choice but my friends, they're some of the most popular girls in the school and I didn't want to be weak. I didn't want to be a victim. Beating other girls, especially Tobin was my way of fitting in and I hated myself for doing it but I didn't want to end up like Tobin.

Finally, I reached her house and I saw her bedroom light on. I don't even know the girl. But I know her house and I know where her room is because I've sabotaged her so much.

I walked to the side of her house where her room was located and climbed up a tree that had a view of her room. Once I got settled I looked through her window and I saw her sitting on her bed with her back against the wall. I couldn't see what she was doing exactly but I knew she was writing.

I watched her for a few minuets and as I was about to start climbing down form the tree, I saw her stand up and begin to throw and destroy things. I can even hear her screaming. I stared at the scene in front of my eyes and I felt tears begin to form.

This was my fault.

Then she stopped. She paced back and forth and it left me feeling anxious. What was her next move?

I watched her closely as she walked to her desk and pulled out a pair of  scissors. My eyes widen and I cover my mouth with my hands knowing exactly what her next move was. She set the blade of her scissors against her wrist and she began to cut.

And the way she cut was so aggressive I looked away wanting to throw up. Tears continued to roll down my cheeks and every so often I would wipe my tears and new ones would form.

I couldn't watch anymore. I climbed down from the tree and ran back home, tears blurring my vision.

This was my fault.

End of flashback

I wiped the tears from my eyes as I walked over to the window and stared up at the sky. All I've ever done was hurt her. All I've ever done was completely destroy her to the point where there was nothing to even destroy.

I've hurt her. I've beaten her. I've done everything and anything I can to make her fall to the knees. For an entire year I made her life a living hell. For an entire year she wasn't happy.

So all this time she was better off without me because I've caused her nothing but pain. Maybe she left for a reason. Maybe she knew that I was going to hurt her even more.

But I was in love with that girl. She was the first person I've ever fall in love with.

But I have Kelley. We don't have a past. She's only my future and I was relieved because I would never hurt Kelley.

Maybe this entire time we were supposed to end up together. Maybe she's going to be my happily ever after.

After sitting around I look at my phone to check the time. It was only seven o'clock and we don't have any training tomorrow. I jumped up and grabbed my luggage. I placed some clothes and other things that I might need.

Before you know it, I left the hotel and I was on my way to the airport. When I got to the airport, I sprinted inside.

I looked at the departures list and saw that the flight to New Jersey was leaving in fifteen minuets. My eyes widen as I run to buy a ticket.

"Can I have a ticket to New Jersey?" I ask as I impatiently tap my fingers on the counter.

"That flight is leaving right now, there's another flight at ten." The girl says.

I shake my head no. "I need to go now, it's an emergency." I say.

"I'm sorry, but that flight is leaving. You can wait for the one at ten." The girl says and then I just about lost it.

"I need to go right now! So get me on that damn plane!" I say

After a few more minuets, she finally handed me my ticket and I sprinted through security. I reached my gate that was about to close.

"Made it on time." The guy says as I hand him my ticket. I smiled at him as he lets me through. Finally I was able to breathe as I found my seat on the plane.


When we landed in New Jersey I grabbed a taxi that that drove me to my destination.

When I arrived, I grabbed my luggage and went up the steps of the house.


So who is it?

Oh and guys, I think this is important for you all to know. Don't ever fall into the traps of peer pressure because it will not benefit you at all. Do you want to ruin your life? Go ahead, take the cigarette that your friend is offering you. You'll regret it. Don't let your friends leave a negative impact on your life. You may think that the people you are hanging out with are your true friends (they might actually be your best friends) but you never know. So don't be pressured into doing something that you don't want to do! You ALWAYS have a say no matter what situation you're in.

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