Chapter Fifty Three

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"I love you Tobin, I always have and I always will. We've been through a lot together and that's why I know we're supposed to be together. Even when I was mad at you you never stopped caring for me. You let me hate you just so I can feel better and I love you for that. I love you're smile, I love the way you say my name. I love the way you look me in the eyes and tell me you love me. I love everything about you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Despite everything we've been through we can be happy together. Will you marry me?"

I had tears in my eyes by the time I was done speaking. Tobin looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Yes. Damn it Alex Morgan I want to marry you." Tobin says. I slip the ring onto her finger and pull her in for a passionate kiss.

"I love you." I say with our forehead against each other.

"I love you too." Tobin says with a smile. We left the restaurant and went back to the hotel where our team was staying in.

We got into our room and quickly locked the door as she pushed me towards the bed.


The next day I woke up with Tobin sleeping peacefully next to me. Both of us were naked and I began to remember everything from last night and how I was going to marry her. I turned my head and studied her features. She was beautiful, she really was.

Flashback to high school

I walked down the stair well and what caught my attention was the sound of shouting from downstairs.

Curiously I walked down the stairs and saw my group of friends kicking Tobin Heath.

I was ready to back away because I didn't want to be involved, I didn't want to hurt Tobin anymore especially when I saw her at her house cutting herself. But I couldn't leave her.

"There you are! Finish her off!" My friend says as they make room for me but I don't move.

"No." I simply say and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"What?" My friend Emily asked with a frown on her face.

"I said, no."

"What the hell is wrong with you? What? Are you learning to care for this girl?" She asked as she took a step towards me.

"In fact, I am. What we're doing isn't right so stop!" I say as I raise my voice making then all wince.

"Shut her up!" Emily says. But no one in the group moved. Then, Emily kicked Tobin in the stomach and she began coughing out blood.

I dropped my stuff and shoved Emily against the wall and punched her in the face.

"I swear to god if you lay another hand on her I will make your life a living hell!" I say as I punch her in the face again.

By then, everyone else had ran off leaving just Tobin, Emily and I.

"What's gotten into you!" Emily shouts.

"Get out of my fucking life and stop hurting her! Do you understand!" I say as I hold her by the collar of her shirt.

She quickly nods and as soon as I released her she ran up the stairs leaving just Tobin and I.

I looked down at Tobin who was just an absolute mess. Her nose was all bloody, her books were scattered across the floor and her hair was an absolute mess.

I crouch down beside her and look into her eyes. They were brown but filled with fear.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I lay my hand on her shoulder and she winced at the sudden action and moved away from me.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I say as I move her hair away from her face. I grabbed some tissues from my bag and slowly began to wipe the blood off of her nose.

"Are you okay?" I ask again and this time Tobin shakes her head no. "What hurts?" I ask and she points to her stomach and head.

I slowly began to lift up her shirt and I looked up for approval and she let me. As I lifted up her shirt it revealed so much bruising around her ribs and stomach.

I almost gagged at how badly it look but I shook it off.

"C'mon let's go." I say. I gather her books and slowly help her up to her feet.

"Where?" Tobin asks.

"To the hospital."

We went to my car, and I didn't care that we were ditching school. She was hurt, she was in pain.

I drove to the hospital and they got her checked out. She ended up with two broken ribs and a broken nose. They admitted her in and the entire time, I never left her bedside.

"Why are you still here?" Tobin asks as she laid on the bed.

"Because I care." I say as I look into her eyes. They were now friendly and warm and just so comforting to look at.

"No you don't."

"I do. And if I didn't I wouldn't have brought you here. If I didn't I would have let Emily beat you up." I say.

Tobin just nods and looks away from me. I grab her hand and squeeze it and she soon fell asleep.

I watched her chest slowly rise up and down and I studied her features. She was a beautiful girl and I can't believe I let this happen to her.

End of flashback

"Hey." Tobin says as her eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Hey." I say with a smile.

"Have you been up?" Tobin asks as she turns to face me.

"Yeah." I say with a small smile.

"Couldn't sleep?" Tobin asks but I shake my head no.

"Just thinking."

"About what?"

"How so damn lucky I am to have you."

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