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Your pov:

I look around at the familiar area surrounding me.

Same old place, many different people.

I was standing in front of the local highschool clutching onto my phone in my palm.

Of course the school itself was new seeing as I was in sixth grade when I left and not in highschool but here I was, one year left until I graduated.

I had just moved back to Korea after being in America this whole time.

Everyone I once knew here would no longer remember me and we sure as hell had all changed.

Keeping updated on instagram and facebook was how I knew.

They were all popular or super pretty.

I could never compete with that meaning I'd need to make a new start.

I let out a breath and flatten my school uniform before heading inside.

My hands were shaking and my heart was pounding.

I was never really one to be nervous but this time was different.

I somehow found my way to the office then asked politely for my schedule.

Once I retrieved it I asked her where the first class was.

"Straight down this hallway. No need to be nervous sweetie." she says while giving a reassuring smile but it didn't help.

I thank her and make my way to class.

When I get inside there's kids throwing papers, guys hitting on girls, and then some kids actually sitting and acting as if their parents taught them manners.

I spotted a seat in the back and went straight to it and sat down.

"Alright! Alright! Everyone sit down." the teacher orders while smacking a ruler against the board which causes kids to sprint to their seats and sit.

His eyes scan the room then land on me and he smiles widely.


"Class, we have a new student!" he begins and I feel my throat tighten.

Why was I so nervous today?

"This is (Y/n) (L/n)! Please make her feel welcome!" he says then turns to the board.

Now there was eyes on me and I felt hot.

I tried to ignore it but I could still feel eyes burning on my skin.

When I looked up I met 4 eyes, A guy and a girl.

The girl had long black hair and brown eyes lined with black eyeliner and glitter.

She was just the right amount of tall and she was slim but had all the right curves.

She was stunning when I compared her to myself.

I had zero confidence if you couldn't tell.

Then I look over at the boy.

He had brown hair and dominating brown eyes.

When I looked at him his eyes flashed and he looked away.

I thought nothing of it and looked back down at my empty desk.

This would be a long and interesting day.
When lunch rolled around I walked into the cafeteria and looked for an open seat.

When I finally found one I went and sat down by myself and popped in my headphones.

I really wanted the day to be over.

As I was scrolling through my songs someone came and sat down across from me.

I tried to pay no mind to it but when they didn't move I took out a headphone and wrapped it over my ear.

"Sorry to bother you but you're new right?" It was one of the guys from my class this morning that was actually sitting down and waiting respectfully for class to start.

"Yeah, I am." I say and a smile spreads across his face.

"I'm Seokjin by the way but you can call me Jin." he says and I offer back a smile.

"I'm (Y/n)." I say.

"I know." he says and I raise my eyebrows.

"I've heard a lot about you from Taehyung." he confirms.

Taehyung...? Why did that name sound so familiar.

"Uh..who?" I ask and his smile fades then he rubs the back of his neck.

"I suppose you wouldn't remember him.. Hey! How about you hang out with my friends and I today." he offers but it didn't sound appealing to me.

"Oh please? I'll be there so things won't be awkward. We're friends now, right?" He asks while flashing a really big smile.


I nod.

"Then you're coming alright? It'll be fun." he says and without wanting to disappoint my new friend I agree to go.

"I'll meet you by the school entrance after class okay." he says and stands up and just as he does the bell rings.

"Okay." I mumble and he gives one last smile before walking away.

Was I really up for hanging out with him and his friends..?

And who was Taehyung...?

I guess I was bound to figure it out sooner or later.

With that I head to my next class, the dreaded class of math.

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