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(((Gif is my Fav. ^^^^^Bye)))

Taehyung's pov:
"The America flight has left now. You should get going, kid." The same man says and I sigh and stand up.

She was really gone.

As I'm walking away I hear someone call my name and my heart stops.

When I turn around my eyes widen.

Y/n) is running towards me.

When she gets to me what she does causes my heart to jump forward.

Her lips crash into mine.

I'm taken by surprise but of course I kiss back.

When she finally pulls back her face is bright red.

"Y/n).." I start but she cuts me off.

"Please, can we just go home?" She asks, blushing again, and I look down and smile then nod.
When we get to her house we sit outside on her porch swing.

"Can you tell me why?" I ask and she pulls her lips inwards as I scoot closer to her, our shoulders now touching.

"Do I have to?" She asks and I nod.

She pulls out her phone and hands it to me.

Once I read the text message and see the photo I feel angry.

"This is why you were going to leave?" I ask, bewildered.

She nods.

"Don't believe this. She's wrong about everything." I say and she looks up at me.

"I know that. It's just, me being here, I caused so many problems already so I thought it would be easier to just leave." She says and I sigh and pull her into a hug.

"Don't think you're the one who caused problems. It was Sumi and even me too." I say and she pushes a strand of her hair back as she stares out at the world in front of her.

"How did you cause problems?"

"Well, I re fell in love with my best friend." I say.

When I look down I see a blush on her cheeks.

"Speaking of which...about that kiss and you staying..." I trail off and she moves up but doesn't look at me.

"I um, uhhm, I may or may not possibly like you." she says and once again the blush is on her cheeks.

I feel a smile spreading across my face at her words.

"But we can't date." she adds and the smile fades.

"Why not?" I ask and she looks back at me.

"Sumi.." she says and I scrunch my nose.

"You're really going to miss all of this because of her?" I ask as I motion myself from head to toe.

She just stares back out at the world.

"I don't want to cause another conflict with her." she says and I lean forward and wrap my arms around her shoulders.

"Please (Y/n). Just give it a try." I says and she looks hesitant as she bites her lip and thinks.

Waiting her for her answer felt like an eternity.

"Okay." she finally replies and my eyebrows raise.

"Okay." I say then kiss her cheek before standing up and pulling her up too.

"Now, how about we go order a movie and eat a bunch of junk food." I say with a cheeky grin.

"I think I can do that." she says flashing a smile.

I grab hold of her hand and pull her into her house.

Right now, I felt happy.

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