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When I get into my room I see Sumi laying on my bed on her phone.

"When were you going to tell me that that's what you said to (Y/n)?" I ask through gritted teeth.

She looks up at me for a swift moment then back down at her phone.

"It doesn't matter anyway, it's true. The guys only like her because well, she's an attractive girl. Aside from that her personality is Shit and you know it." Sumi says and I feel my hands clenching into fists again and my nails digging into my palms.

"She doesn't need to be here Tae. All she does is cause you pain. I'm the only person you need." she says as she gets up and stalks towards me.

"I'm the one that's always loved you. She never loved you, not the way I did. Come on Tae, why can't you just see that and let me make you happy." she says as she rests her hands on my face.

"No. Not this time. I'm not letting you brainwash me Sumi." I say grabbing her hands and pushing her away.

Her eyes fill with anger and tears.

"I was the one who was always there for you dammit! Not her. She left you Taehyung, do you hear me?! She left you! I never did! So why do you still care so much!? Huh!" Sumi yells and I let out a breath.

"I still love her." I whisper in defeat.

I didn't want to admit it out loud but if I hadn't it would just continue to eat away at me.

"No you don't Taehyung, don't say that. You're just confused and upset. Let me help you forget. Please." she says as a tear falls from her eye.

"You should leave." I say and her eyes widen then fall shut.

"I'm not giving you up. Not to her, not to anyone." she says then pushes past me.

When I hear the front door slam shut I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

"Are you alright?" I hear a small and familiar voice ask and when I turn around I see (Y/n) standing in the hallway next to Jin's door.

"No, I'm not." I say honestly.

Her face softens and she speaks.

"Stay here." she says then disappears down the hallway.

When she comes back she has the first aid kit in her hands.

"What is that for?" I ask and she points to my hand.

That's when I notice 4 crescent shaped marks covered in blood on my palms.

"Oh.." I say and she nods and guides me over to my bed then kneels down in front of me and takes my hand.

"What happened? That seemed pretty rough. Did you two break up or?" (Y/n) asks as she begins to wipe off the blood. "

"Break up? We were never together." I say then watch as her eyebrows knit together.

"But at lunch I saw you two-"

"Hey no. She did that because she wanted to prove that I was hers even though I'm not. She's like this, you have to understand that." I say and she looks up at me for a split second then back down.

"Because she's in love with you." she says then puts on a medicine that burns which causes me to hiss in pain.

"How do you know about that?" I ask and she laughs.

"It's not hard to see. I've always known but I didn't actually think you two would get together ya know." she says and I catch something flash in her eyes.

"I told you we're not together so don't go around getting the wrong idea." I repeat.

She looks up at me then nods and continues to fix up my hand.

As she does so my eyes roam her face and I bite my lip.

She definitely had gotten way more attractive than before but after talking to her she seemed the same.

"Well, none the less, it must be nice to have someone who loves and cares about you like that and is also your best friend." (Y/n) says with a sad smile.

"She's not my best friend." I say but (Y/n) stands up and packs up the stuff.

"Don't say that. She's given you a lot, don't take her for granted." she says then turns on her heels.

"I guess I'll see you around. Don't forget to tell Sumi how you really feel." she says and then heads out.

How I really feel....?

Did she think I was in love with Sumi?

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