||ME|| •Author's Note•

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  Hi Guys! Just wanted to point some things out to you so that you're not TOO surprised if something's weird or missing

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Hi Guys! Just wanted to point some things out to you so that you're not TOO surprised if something's weird or missing.

A little bit about myself: I am 15, my birthday is on March 5- so if anyone wants to send me a gift I wouldn't mind 😉. I love music, so don't be surprised if I use music a lot through out the book. I can sing and play piano. I live in a small town- Granbury Texas. I have THE TWO BESTEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!! I go to school Tuesday-Thurdays, but I have LOTS of homework, and I only have 5GB of data on my phone and I don't have wifi at my house, so I don't know how fast updates are going to be- until around Christmas, because I'm asking for a laptop SPECIFICALLY for Wattpad.

• I am super silly and weird- so if my authors notes are like really random and for no reason there's a laughing emoji by it- it's probably an inside joke or something

• I have not watched a lot of TVD- I saw a little bit of S7. But don't worry- I know about MOST of the things that go on in the other seasons.

• I am fiercely obsessed with Vampires- so if you have written a vampire book- I would LOVE to read it.

• I have read about almost every kind of vampire you can think of. To name the widely known ones- all 4 Twilight books in a month, all 15 Vampire Diaries books in 2 weeks, all 8 (I think) of the Vampire Academy books. I suggest especially The Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith. They are super AMAZING.

• My mom watches TVD- but I don't have Netflix- so all I know from seasons 1-6 is widely from research and YouTube. If something isn't right or accurate, PLEASE let me know. But please do so unhatefully (if that's even a word 😂).

• I'm an inner child- so there MAY be Disney references- or musical references.

• Hardcore #delena Delena is endgame. But I'd love to hear YOUR opinions on any other ships you have in mind- I like when people make valid points as to why they think the way they do. I promise you will NOT be judged by me- cause I hardcore ship Winn and Kara from Supergirl, but no one else does. (For those Supergirl fans 🙌🏻)

• Klaroline is my ship, k? Cuz dating your best friends ex is a big NO NO in girl code for one. And the fact that in S7 they only saw each other occasionally. And being with someone who was your history teacher is just WRONG. (No judgement for the people who ship that way- that's just my opinion)

• Vote, comment, and share as much or as little as you see fit. As much as I want lots of votes and reads and comments, I'm not desperate. If you like it- all I ask is you stick it out till the end. Votes, comments, and shares are appreciated and welcomed, but not necessary. You don't have to be afraid that I'll quit writing cuz I don't have a lot of comments or something.

• At the end of each chapter I may ask a random question. It may have to do with TVD- and it may not. Feel free to share your opinion on why your answer is the way it is.

• And FINALLY: If any of you want to make a cover, or have a better idea for my cover, feel free to send it to me! I just found this picture cuz I needed a pic of Matt.


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