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 Damon had smelled the familiar human with a vampire. He figured that Matt had needed some help finishing the vamp off. He stumbled to the door, setting the bottle of bourbon on the table in the entryway. He jerked open the door, wanting to get his job done as fast as possible. 

 "Hi Damon." A higher voice said. His eyes searched to find the source of the familiar voice. His eyes widened and started filling with tears. 

 "Brooklyn?" Damon asked. He pulled her into a hug before she could respond. He felt her melt as her arms wrapped around his middle. His face buried in her hair as he sobbed- letting out tears that wouldn't fall before. 

 "It's alright- I'm here," she hugged him tight. After a few minutes, he pulled back, grabbing her forearms lovingly. 

 "What are you doing here?!" He asked. 

 She grimaced. "I think we need to go inside." She suggested. 

 Damon immediately moved out of the doorway. Brooklyn looked over at Matt with pleading eyes, begging him to come in with her. Damon narrowed his eyes at Brooklyn's hesitancy. Brooklyn walked in after Matt nodded his head. She looked around. The place hadn't changed all that much. Of course, there was a flat screen TV here, an electrical outlet there- light switches, lamps, all conveniences they'd never had growing up.

 "I'm so sorry I couldn't come sooner, Damon- but I was dealing with stuff in New Orleans," Brooklyn said sympathetically. Damon motioned for here to sit down on the couch, and she did. Damon took a seat next to her on the couch, and Matt sat down in the chair across from them. 

 "Tell him what you told me!" Matt said excitedly. Damon turned to look at Matt, then back at Brooklyn. 

 "You told Donavan before you told me? Afraid to tell me something yourself, little sister?" Damon smirked.

 Brooklyn laughed. "Of course not, brother! Ha! The hilarity of it all!" Being in her old house with her brother must have made her talk change. 

 "She only told me because I was-" Matt started. 

 "I'm an open book, Damon. You know this! I merely told Matt because he said he knew you," Brooklyn cut Matt off- which did not go unnoticed by Damon. 

 "So- little sister, how can I help you on this beautiful fine day?" Damon asked sarcastically. She knew he didn't mean it sarcastically- but she doubted Matt knew anything different. 

 "There are many witches and heretics in New Orleans, and one of them has become my very best friend. When I told her what happened with Elena, she immediately started pulling all nighters to find a solution or loophole. She couldn't find one, which is odd for witches- witches know that something can backfire, so they always make loopholes, that's just witchy-101! So she searched and searched for days- weeks, she drove all the way to Nova Scotia's Magic Island- you know? She found Kai's old lair, with all of his books and grimoires. She looked through them all! We found out that there is a loophole, Damon! Kai had used a spell to erase all the loophole spells! We can get Elena back!" 

 Damon stiffened, a hopeful expression on his face. He couldn't let himself get his hopes up- it would just make him crash and burn. "What exactly do the loopholes entail?" He asked skeptically. 

 "Well the only we're one hundred percent sure about is making Bonnie a vampire- but that's our last resort. It is possible- just exceptionally rare that witches become vampires. Another option is going to the middle realm- of people who are not dead, but not quite alive, and bringing her back. We would need a specific witch for that one. Since Bonnie is a witch, she could give some of her life force to Elena- that one will only work if you have the blood of Bonnie and I think Stefan. It'd be helpful if we could get Katherine's blood- but that ship sailed a long time ago. There are a few more options." 

 Damon was shocked at how many options he had. The more options, the more garunteed that it will work. 

 "Where's Stefan?" Brooklyn asked. 

 "Oh, he's on the run with Valerie." Matt offered. 

 Brooklyn's eyebrows went up as she turned to Damon again. "Valerie as in like- heretic, Valerie?" she asked incredulously.  

 Damon nodded. "Phoenix Stone," he explained.

 Brooklyn's face contorted into horror. "Damon Anthony Ricardo Masen Salvatore! The freaking Pheonix Stone?! Stefan got stabbed with-?" 

 "Don't be too harsh on him, I think of the two of them, his Pheonix Stone trip was harsher." Matt said.

 "Damon! You too?! This was after Mother died- wasn't it?" She said sympathetically. 

 Damon nodded slowly, Brooklyn sighed, Matt cleared his throat. 

 "Great! It was already hard enough having to call Nik and 'Lijah in! Now we have to deal with a freaking vampire hunter on your back!" Brooklyn rumbled. 


I'm so sorry! I really meant to update earlier on in the day cuz it's a school night for most people, but that didn't happen cuz I got distracted by Delena-y gooiness- not a bad distraction if you ask me 😉

 Anyways- MAYBE you'll get an update tmo- but that kinda depends on how much feedback I get. Love you guyses! 

 QOTD: cuz I spent all day also watching Smallville clips and I'm SUPER DUPER excited for season 2 of Supergirl coming on in a few weeks, I'm feeling superhero-y. In all of the TVD universe, who would make THE BEST superhero? What about the best supervillian? Why? 

 My answer: Matt and/or Jeremy would make AMAZING superheroes! They've always been ready to fight for what's right, and they've made so many sacrifices for their friends and their sense of justice. A good supervillian would DEFINITELY be Kai- cuz he's malicious and sinister, but he's got this lunatic kind of sense of humor. He definitely knows how to torture people! But who says villains can't be hot too? 😉😉

 Whaddo you guyses think? 

Love you BYEEEEEE 😘

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