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Matt stood in the doorway, staring at Brooklyn's shaking form. His heart split in two at the soft sounds she was making. Without thinking, he walked over to her and hugged her. "I am so sorry, Brooklyn." He murmured.

Her sobs continued, but her arms wrapped around Matt's waist. As she cried into his shirt, he rubbed soothing circles on her back.
  "I know I ruined your dinner party by bringing my girlfriend, so let me make it up to you." Matt pleaded, pulling back from her.
  "You don't have to. It's not your fault." Brooklyn sniffed. "Besides, I wouldn't want to make Reyna any madder."
  "Well, I don't think you'll have to worry about her for much longer." Matt shrugged.
  "Matt, don't let this be the reason you give up your future. It was just a few silly comments." Brooklyn defended.
  Matt opened his mouth to argue, but then he thought better of it and smiled weakly at Brooklyn.
  "You will take left-overs home with you, won't you? I made so much food, and we didn't eat much." Brooklyn begged.
  "Sure." Matt shrugged.
  They shared a brief smile and Brooklyn turned around to dig for food containers. "Do you want some help?" Matt asked.
  "No. I'm fine."
  "Let me help you. It's the least I can do." Matt said insistently.
  Brooklyn sighed and gave up. He obviously wasn't going to go home without helping her, and maybe even possibly because he was trying to avoid Reyna.
  "So... have you found a date for the dance?" Matt asked.
  "Nope. I think Klaus is taking Caroline, and Stefan is taking Valerie. Damon won't make up his mind in whether he's going until half an hour before, and he'd probably rather go dateless anyways." Brooklyn sighed.
  "Me too. After all we've managed to survive, we're still scattered across the earth." Matt chuckled.
  Matt and Brooklyn stopped working on the dishes and stared at the counter space in front of them. The silence was heavy and awkward for both of them.
  Finally, Brooklyn put the remainder of the left-overs in a bag and handed them to Matt. "There you go." She smiled sheepishly.
  "Thank you." Matt muttered. "I'm so sorry about earlier. I'll make it up to you. I swear."
  "Matt, it's okay. Don't worry about it!" She said with a small smile, waving the problem off.
  "I will worry about it until I make it up to you." Matt grinned.
  Brooklyn rolled her eyes and grinned in reply. Matt waved a small goodbye and left the Salvatore house.
  As Brooklyn began cleaning the rest of the massive mess in the kitchen, Damon walked in and grabbed a towel. "Just like old times, huh?" He asked as he dried the dishes she washed.
  Brooklyn smiled as the nostalgic memories flooded in. "Kinda." She shrugged. "Except our positions were reversed and we only did it when the cook thought we were being horrible children." Brooklyn chuckled.
  "You know, as much as I purposively try to annoy Donovan, I admire the man." Damon said, abruptly changing the subject.
Brooklyn looked at him suspiciously. Deciding to dive into the conversation, she turned off the sink and faced her brother. "Okay, I'll bite, figuratively of course."
  "He made his choice. He sticking to it. He has admirable intentions... All he needs is some Kryptonite, a red and blue suit, some hair dye, and he could be Superman." Damon joked. "He has been loyal to a fault for the longest time. Most of us haven't been loyal to each other."
  "In my defense, I just got here." Brooklyn chuckled.
  "You have the cleanest slate of all of us." Damon smiled.
  "I don't know about that..." Brooklyn shrugged.
  Damon laughed. "Why don't you let me finish this up? You should go get some rest." He said, taking the rag from her hand.
  "Damon, you insult me." Brooklyn scoffed playfully.
  "Oh, you've never planned a party with Caroline. She's serious about you having a date. The only person who's been granted the permission to go without a date is me, and that's only because if I had a date, I'd be cheating on the party planner's best friend." He smiled bitterly. That hurt was playing on his face.
  "You love her with all of your being. I'm going to do everything in my power to help you get your Juliet back." Brooklyn took at Damon's hand, and held it.
  "You'll like her you know." He said, a far off look in his eyes. "She never gave up on me... a lot like you in that respect."
  "Despite all that you've done, Damon, it's pretty hard to give up on you."
  "Stefan did."
"Stefan wasn't stable. He needed to get himself right before he could help you get yourself right." Brooklyn explained.
  "How were you always so controlled?" He asked.
  Brooklyn shrugged. "I don't know. I guess this is what I was meant to be." She squeezed his hand. "I think this is what we were all meant to be in the end." She gave him a small smile.
  "Oh! I'm sorry! I thought everyone was asleep." Klaus apologized as he walked in on our conversation.
  "It's alright, Nik. I was just about to go to bed anyways." Brooklyn said, amused. Klaus stood in the Salvador kitchen wearing a robe over a tank top and flannel pajama pants.
  "You don't happen to have any... pickles... do you?" Klaus asked.
  "Actually, I think we do." Brooklyn said, opening the refrigerator. She pulled the jar of pickles out of the door shelf. "There ya go." Brooklyn smiled.
  "Thank you... and... um... what about... ice cream?" He asked timidly.
  "Always!" Brooklyn chuckled as she grab the ice cream from the freezer. She handed him the type of ice cream.
  "What about peanut butter?" Klaus whispered.
  "In the fridge, second shelf down." Damon smirked sarcastically.
  "You keep peanut butter in the fridge?" Brooklyn asked confusedly.
  "That's what happens when you don't have a woman living in the house." Damon shrugged.
  Brooklyn laughed. They watched in silence as Klaus retrieved the jar of peanut butter. Damon and Brooklyn chuckled when he shut the refrigerator door. "If you wanted more food Klaus, you should've stopped me from sending all the food home with Matt." Brooklyn said sarcastically.
  "Oh... no. This isn't for me... Caroline's having cravings." Klaus said sheepishly.
  Damon laughed and Brooklyn sent a warm smile to the whipped man.

That's all I have right now folks! Just some updates on my life; got a new phone with an unlimited data plan 🎉
Started watching Riverdale. Omg comment your thoughts on Riverdale PLEASSSEEE!
And I started getting into the old ER. With George Clooney and Noah Wyle. 😍😍
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