Rosetale pt. 1

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     Frisk was a very pretty girl, with very pretty eyes, very pretty hair and a very pretty heart. You would think she even breathed kindness. She always pushed her short brown hair behind her ear when she was nervous, and she hardly ever opened her beautiful auburn eyes. Whenever she wasn't helping someone she would lay in the rose garden and think. She loved that garden so much even her soul became like a rose, it was softer and sweeter than anything you could ever touch. She always wore a flower crown of red roses, but they never died. Her soul was so innocent and lively that they could not be destroyed.

     Yes, Frisk was a very pretty girl but she had a lot of secrets. She was mistreated and abused, but because she was so kind she never fought back. She wore a long black sweater with two red stripes on it, so no one saw the bruises. She didn't feel loved, so she did everything in her power to make everyone else feel what she never would. But despite her sadness she always stayed truthful and kept her inner beauty.

     Now we move to a different tale, don't worry we will come back to Frisk, but now I want to talk about a girl named Chara. Chara was beautiful too, she looked just like Frisk, but if you payed close attention you would notice her skin wasn't quite as perfectly smooth and that her nose was just a bit more crooked, that her sweatshirt had one stripe instead of two, and the most noticeable of all where her eyes. They where red, but not a evil or scary way, they looked beautiful. 

     Unfortunately mirrors tell lies, Chara saw nothing beautiful about herself. "Demon" She would tell herself, "That is what they think." Like Frisk, she too thought that nobody loved her, but truth was nobody did. It wasn't because of her red eyes, or that she was unkind, it was because she was always laying down crying on an isolated field, the only place there was some sort of peace. Her parents didn't care about her, and no one else knew she existed. Chara decided she hated humanity, and she had every right to. They are the only true evil, aren't they?

     Well since Chara hated humanity, and she was human, she hated herself more. She hated herself so much that she decided life wasn't worth it. So she climbed up Mt. Ebott, with a plan in her mind. She climbed until she found a strangely misplaced hole. She looked up realizing she could never reach the top of the tall mountain, so she decided that this would do. She dropped a rock first, she never heard it drop. "Perfect" she thought, and she jumped.

     Well it turned out that Chara had cried so many tears, that all of her kindness and hurt soaked into the field, and branches came out of the soil, and leaves came out of the branches, and then beautiful roses bloomed.

      White for her purity.

      Blue for her depression.

      Dark Purple for her courage.

      Gray for her emptiness.

     Pink for her laughter and enthusiasm.

     Green for her anxiety.

     Lavender for her uniqueness.

     Yellow for her insanity.

     And red for her determination.

     After Chara disappeared, there was another child who disappeared every two years. 6 in total, but there's bound to be more. Legend says that they all climbed Mt. Ebott, and that anyone else who did the same would never return.

     It was 14 years after Chara's disappearance when Frisk decided to climb Mt. Ebott. She didn't want to die, she just wanted to fade from existence, which is not nearly the same think. Well Frisk climbed and climbed, she wasn't careful as she walked up the mountain. And she misplaced her foot, and tripped, to find herself falling. Falling, falling, falling.

     Falling down that same hole that Chara fell down long ago.


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