Rosetale pt. 7

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     "A long time ago humans and monsters lived in peace on the surface. They held hands and where okay with their differences, but then one day a rumor broke out. The rumor said that monsters are and always will be killers. Some of the humans believed it and well there was a lot of discrimination. Protests on the streets all across the world, it got bad, so bad that a war started. The humans defeated us and trapped us all underground. Using a magical barrier to conceal us forever. This happened almost a millennium ago, and we've been stuck here ever since... But there is a prophecy that someday there will be an angel who will fall and save us, we don't know when or who, but it was said they would come."

     "Heh, it's kind of funny. On the surface we would make our parents check our beds and closets in case there was a monster hiding there... Maybe we should have been more worried about the humans living in our homes."

     "It's not your fault, your view was biased, and I doubt anyone up there even remembers that monsters exist."

     "So the prophecy, do you believe it?"

     "I have to. Why would I continue to live if I knew there was nothing else? Well I guess I have you now, but who knows how long you'll last."

     "What do you mean? I thought I was safe here."

     "There are good humans and bad humans, right? Well same goes for monsters."


     There was a silence.

     "Don't worry I'll keep you safe."

     "You and Chara really like to protect me, huh?"

     "It would be a shame to lose another human, especially one as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside."

     "Thanks Sans. For bringing me here and everything." Frisk smiled.

     "We should probably get you back home before Chara gets too impatient."

     Frisk looked down at her watch. "Holy, it's 10:00 already."

     "Don't worry kiddo, I know a shortcut." Sans snapped his fingers and they appeared right outside the entrance to the ruins. Chara was already standing there waiting.

     "You're late."

     "Sorry Chara I just list track of the time and..."

     "Not you Frisk the skeleton."

     Sans shrugged his shoulders, "What does it matter, she's here now, isn't she?"

     "I said to bring her back by 6:00, she should have been here four hours ago!"

     "Chara don't be mad at him, I insisted we stay."

     "Yeah right, I know it's his fault. Come on let's go." Chara grabbed Frisks hand and dragged her along. Frisk gave a wave to Sans and he winked then disappeared.

     Once they reached Toriels home Chara asked Frisk 'what they did.' Frisk lied and said "We just toured Snowdin, that's all.

"Good, that guy can be trouble."

     Frisk giggled a little. Chara opened the door for them, and brought Frisk back to their room.


     "Goodnight Chara."

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