Rosetale pt. 8

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     Chara woke up and headed to the bathroom, she looked in the mirror.

     "Remember the last timeline, Demon. How could you do that to Frisk."

     "I don't know what you're talking about."

     "You don't? Peculiar, must I remind you of all the chaos you caused? All the lives you took? All that dust and blood on your hands?"

     Tears streamed down Chara's face. "I didn't do that!"

     "Of course you did, I saw it all happen, so stop lying to yourself."

     "I changed I'm not that person any more... I changed."

     "Change? Change! You're so pathetic do you really think you can change and not suffer the consequences?"

     "Haven't I had enough? I've suffered so many times, and now Frisk is safe and she... she cares about me."

     "Maybe she does, but its all based off a lie. Would she still be your friend if you told her the truth?"

     "No... She would never forgive me."

     "Exactly." She held out a razor blade to Chara. "You know what to do."

     Chara nodded and pulled up her sleeve, "I deserve it." She whispered and pulled the blade across he wrist. She stared at all of her old scars and created new ones.

     "There you go. Don't you feel better? Can you feel the guilt washing away?"

     "What have I done?" Chara whispered.

     "Hmm? What did you say, I couldn't hear you."

     "Why won't you just leave?" Chara yelled this time and smashed the mirror with her fist. 

     "You're so funny sometimes. You can't destroy me without destroying yourself. I am your reflection after all."

     Chara picked up one of the shards and looked at it. The reflection spoke again. "I'll be right next to you always, in every mirror, in every puddle, in every lake, in every window, in every polished piece of metal. I won't leave, I can't leave. See you around, Demon." The refection smiled and then disappeared.

     "Demon." She whispered to herself. "That's all I am. That's all I'll ever be." Chara dropped the blade on the ground and pulled her sleeve back down. She curled up into a ball on the floor. "Frisk how could I have betrayed you, you could never forgive me."

     "Chara?" Frisk knocked on the door softly.

     Chara wiped away some tears and tried to make herself sound normal. "Yeah Frisk?"

     "I thought I heard crying, are you all right?"

     "Yeah I'm fine." Chara double checked to make sure her sleeve was still down, then she opened the door and stepped out.

     "You certainly don't look fine." Frisk smiled.

     "It was just... Just a bad dream."

     "Alrighty then you can sleep with me tonight."

     "No that's okay, it wasn't that bad and I'd rather sleep alone anyways."

     "You sure?" Frisk asked with a concerned tone.

     "100% sure.

     "Okay but at least let me tuck you in."

     "I'm not three."

     "If I can't tuck you in then I get to sleep with you tonight"

     "Okay fine, you can tuck me in. But no bedtime story, promise?"

     "Promise." Frisk assured. She tucked Chara into bed and waited until she fell asleep then Frisk went into the bathroom. She was startled by the broken glass and blood stains on the floor.

     "What happened." Frisk looked down at the mess, when her eye caught sight of the blade. "Oh god, please don't let this be what I think it is." Frisks eyes filled up with tears, but she did what she had to. She started by throwing the blade away and picking up the biggest shards of glass. She placed them on the mirror as if it were a puzzle. She made it look as if none of it had happened, then she went back to the bedroom.

     "Please don't be real." She walked over to Charas bed and lifted up her sleeve, sure enough the cuts were there. "I won't let this happen again." Frisk walked over to her bed and attempted to sleep but sleep never came.

     How could she sleep if she couldn't stop thinking?

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