Rosetale pt. 3

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      Chara's arms where getting tired but her determination pulled her through. She made it to Toriels home in the ruins.


     "Chara, my child are you okay!"

     "I'm fine i-it's the human." Chara held Frisks weak body out to Toriel, "Mom can you save her?"

     "She is hurt pretty badly, but I think my magic will be just enough." Toriel said picking up the near dead human. She chanted something under her breath and white flames surrounded her and the child's body, then they disappeared. Toriel breathed out a white wispy cloud like thing, and it entered Frisks mouth. They waited, patiently.

     "Did it work?" Chara asked.

     "Pathetic is it not? I cannot save even a single child."

     "Mom?" Chara's voice choked, "You saved me."

     Suddenly Frisk gasped in air. Her health was completely restored.

     "Thank god." Chara ran over and hugged Frisk, "I was so worried... I mean..." Chara blushed, "Umm let's get moving."

     Frisk giggled, "Okay, let's go."

     Chara and Frisk walked on either side of Toriel holding her hand. The three of them walked into the house. Toriels home was very nice. There was a main room when you walked through the entrance and a stairway that went down, in the left hallway there were three rooms, and in the left there was a tidy living room, complete with a fireplace and comfortably large chair. Just behind the living room was a kitchen. For some reason the whole house smelled delicious. 

     "Why does it smell so good." Frisks curiosity got the best of her.

     "That my child is a butterscotch cinnamon pie. I thought I would surprise you with something nice to eat."

     "Thank you, but how did you know I would be here."

     "Since I fell down, every two years a new human falls." Chara answered.

     "Oh." Frisk had so many more questions but kept her mouth shut, trying not to be rude.

     "Chara, show them to your room, so they know where they will be spending the night." Toriel smiled.

     "Yes mom." Chara smiled and grabbed Frisks sleeve. "Come on it's this way." She led Frisk to the left hallway and into the first door. 

     Inside the room was two beds on opposite sides, a wardrobe filled with black and red sweaters, and a box of toys that didn't interest Frisk at all.

     Chara moved to the bed on the right, "This is my bed, you get the other one."

     Frisk moved to the bed and sat on it "Thanks."

     "No problem, mom loves having company."

     "Why do you call her mom?" Frisk realized that might have been rude, but stuck with it anyways.

     "Because she is."

     "But she doesn't look like you..." Frisk was right, Toriel was a monster, who had similar features to a goat.

     "That's because she adopted me." Chara frowned a little.

     "Oh what's your moms name."

     "Toriel." Chara said, "She guards the ruins."

     "That's pretty cool... So is everyone here a monster?"

     "Everyone except you and me." Chara said, "Monsters are great. They're kind and understanding, unlike humans..."

     "But you're a human." Frisk was puzzled.

     "True, but at heart I'm more like a monster... You have a good soul too, so I know you won't hurt anyone."

     "I'd never dream of it." Frisk swore, "But why did that rose try to kill me."

     "I don't know... I've never seen him before." Chara said, "but don't worry I'll protect you."

     Frisk nodded, and let out a yawn.

    "Oh you're tired, go to bed. You can have your pie tomorrow."

     "But I have so many more *yawn* questions."

      "You can ask them tomorrow okay?" Chara said and turned out the lights.

       "Goodnight Frisk."

      "Goodnight Chara."

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