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Vibrations run up through my still body. I watch the horizon from a cliff top, the sun setting across the sky. Bright oranges and yellows mixing before meeting the green grass swaying in the wind. A giant dust cloud moves over the rolling hills. The pounding of hooves hitting the ground with brute force and urgency kicks up the dust and increases the shaking that travels through the ground. Silhouettes of heads, manes, tails and steady legs can be seen from the edges of the incoming mass that seems to expand back as far as the eye can see. Whinnies and snorts echo to my ears as they near, watching in awe as the horses finally reveal themselves. Galloping with purpose over the glorious landscape. Jumping over fallen tres, tossing their heads, biting and nudging each other. My feet itch with longing as the majestic herd passes by underneath the cliff top I stand upon. Something shifts inside; my ears ring and heart beats in rhythm with the pounding of the hooves hitting the ground. My mind is bombarded with thoughts of the creatures as my body pulses with the overwhelming urge to join in the fun.

My body moves with a mind of its own, my gaze steady in the herd as my legs pump down the hill. Every step causes a quick prick of pain and before I know or can comprehend what has happened. Everything fades to black before coming back with a raging force. My senses on overdrive trying to adapt to the heightened sights, sounds, colours and feelings. I shake my head, my mane dancing in the wind, my legs moving naturally in sync and pure power. My tail flashes out behind me, my ears flat against my head the wind whipping between them and tickling my hair. I fall into step at the front, pushed between others, their body heat radiating off of them, the smell of sweat hanging in the air. Adrenaline rushes through my new graceful body, as I thrive and push forward by the emotions and images flashing by my eyes from my fellow mates. My breathing is steady as my hooves disrupt the dirt and grass on the ground. For a mere few seconds with every stride I feel like I'm floating over the ground. This is where I belong, surrounded by the heat of all these bodies enveloped by the individual hearts beating as one and the stretch of my legs over the ground, where the wind blows freely through my mane.

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