The End

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The floor squeaks. A door groans, slowly being opened. It's pitch black. You can hear your heart pounding as if it was about to pop out of your chest. The hairs on your neck rise. Deep, heavy breathing comes from behind you. A hot breath travels over the nape of your neck. You suck in a sharp breath and let out a small whimper. Gripping the bed sheets your hands shake uncontrollably as you try to sit completely still. You don't dare breath at the quiet rustling behind you. Suddenly, a rough hand grips the back of your neck, pushing you forcefully into your stomach and face first into the suffocating sheets. You cry out softly and struggle against this imposters grip. Your eyes start to water when a load of weight is placed on your lower back. Your struggling stops and breathing becomes laboured, a wet salty substance travels down your cheek and over your lips before spilling onto the bed. Your mouth is filled with a warm metallic taste, coughing; blood splatters your face and your lip throbs. A deep maniacal laugh comes from above you. Sobs start up your throat as a cold blade is pressed to your neck, just hard enough to cause a trickle of blood.

You attempt to struggle underneath the couple hundred pounds weighing you down. Giving up once the blade slices cleanly along the side of your neck. You can feel the rapid pumping of your heart as blood flow increases, raining down along your neck. A gurgled gasp and cry escape your lips as your eyelids begin to flicker and close slowly. Dimly now, the evil cynical laugh comes again as the movement of the blade take long slow strokes along your cheek. A puddle of blood forms around your face and absorbs into the sheets. Your limbs no longer respond and go limp, caving in under the weight. Your final wheezing breath forms a bright wide grin on your imposters crooked face as he gazes down at his beautiful craft of art. Seeing the flicker of light in your eyes extinguishing, only then to disappear into the night and prepare for another masterpiece.

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