Heart Over Mind

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It's allowed. Are you sure?
It's ok. I know but...

The doubts overwhelm me.
Silencing them is impossible.
They control.

Take the risk. What's the worst that can happen?

I constantly question myself.
Every action.
Every motive.
Every thought.
It's exhausting.
I'm exhausted.

My personality is outgoing but its pressured by an anxious mind.

Is there such a thing anymore?

Yes there is. But is there really? Is anyone sane?

Aren't we all struggling to ignore the doubts,
the hesitation,
the suspicion

All within ourselves.

You should do it. Would I?

Contemplating all the options
the possibilities.
Does this get any easier?
Is it my choice?
Can't I just forget everything and start over?

I hate myself for this.
For all of it.
Why am I like this?
Why is this my normal?

You deserve it. I do, don't I?

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