The Wolfs Frost (part 2)

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These questions ran through my head. Many more new questions came but all were left unanswered. Remembering every detail; the stench, the sound, the sight. The blood stained clothes confirmed it was him, the dried blood on my hands confirmed it was real yet I refused to believe. I sat rocking on the frozen stone floor by the door for what seemed like a lifetime yet I did not, could not move without my brother. Tears flowed freely and my sobbing had subcided. My sense come back to me and I pulled myself together. Father was upstairs, bed bound, and brother was tending the sheep ( yes that was what he was doing like always and not being digested by a wolf). Thinking of father I made my way up the moldly staircase. The pests had eaten half of the wood of the steps making the jouerney up or downstairs a matter of life or death. 

  The wall that was meant to be next to me had been worn away over time so that now there was only a few wooden beams left the surport the attic where father was kept. When father was not so ill, he had spent his free time (which was hardly ever) trying to fix the blasted staircase and wall. Now brother spent all of his time looking after the sheep and looking after Father.  I told him that I could leave school out help out with father and the sheep so he could fix up the house. "You need to get a proper education so you can get out of this dump!" I laughed at this memory as if I was remembering a long lost of someone who is no longer. No he wasn't gone. He was in the field with the sheep.

   As I reached the top of the stairs I called out to father. When there came no reply I ran to the corner bed where he always stayed. The pain in my throat came back as I screeched his name, crying out desperatly. Throwing back the covers the sight was worst they I had feared. Images of blood pouring out of his mouth, dead, where he had choked on the puke of blood. The images were horrific and I sobbed while I had ran but what I saw made me breakdown completely. Missing. He wasn't there. Nothing was there. 

   How could he not be there. He couldn't even feed himself how could he have gotten out of the bed? 

Let me know what you think of this 2nd part plus ani improvments pls x

Thanks for Reading x x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2010 ⏰

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