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It was a regular day for Marinette, she got out of bed, did her morning routines and went to school. There was still a bit of time left so Marinette slowed down her pace. When she was on the last stair to school, Chloe, one of the popular girls tripped her and she fell face flat to the ground. She got up and brushed off her shoulders and kept going. Until Lila tripped her. This time she couldn't take. She was sort of angry yet she looked calm with those dead eyes. She gave Lila the death glare, I swear if looks could kill, there would be nothing left of Lila. But thankfully they cant. Marinette grabbed Lila by the collar of her shirt and Lila stopped breathing, she was too scared to make a sound. The entire school starred at Marinette in fear. Marinette then punched Lila really hard. Lila wouldn't tell the staff about this for 2 reasons: A) Marinette would probably beat her up more. B) Even the teachers were too afraid to do anything about it. Even the mayor of Paris was scared of Marinette. But you know Marinette wasn't always like this. At some point in life she was joyful and eyes shined like the sky. But something changed her, no-one knew why. Now back to the fight. Marinette then dropped a nose bleeding Lila and walked off as she dusted her hands, as if she accomplished something great. She walked to class. There he was the popular boy, staring at her. He saw what happened through the class's window. He just stared at Marinette in shock. He knew what her attitude was like, emotionless, heartless and when he looked at her she looked broken...

{In Class}

Marinette was sitting and listening. She was a great student, she was beautiful, intellectual, she had a loving family, yet inside she was broken and she didn't talk much and was feared by most of the people in her life, she was distant from the others and hated almost everyone around her. Well, she was listening to what the teacher was saying and was taking down notes. Little did she know Adrien was staring at her. When she looked up to look at the board, she looked at him for a second and Adrien turned away. She just shrugged it off and got back to work.

{After Class, Lunch}

Marinette walked to the cafeteria and saw people surrounded by something. "Probably Lila..." She thought. She then looked around a bit more and saw all the seats were taken so she just shrugged and walked off. She sat down on the stairs and took out a book and began reading and munching her sandwich. When she heard a few foot steps get up close to her, she shut her book and looked up to see, Adrien. "What?" She asked, with a bored tone. Adrien just smiled at her, with those charming smiles he uses to make girls fall for him. She just got up and looked him in the eye and said "I don't have time for boys." And with that she went up the stairs. He just stood there. She then looked back at him when she was at the top of the stairs and said "I don't socialize with simple and primitive minds."  Then she walked off. He just stood and realized she didn't want him. "What?! But every girl adores me! I wouldn't be surprised if even the most boring and lonely girl was stalking me." He thought. Those thoughts were interrupted by Lila and Chloe who came racing up towards him. And while Marinette was walking, in the corner of her eye she saw him flirt shamelessly to Lila and Chloe. And she thought to herself, "Good, he doesn't seem to have an interest in me anymore, I have no time for boys, especially boys like that, Playboys!" She hated Playboys, she despised them!

{After school}

She got out of her seat and left through the school doors. She looked up from her book in her hand and saw Adrien standing there, waiting for someone. She just shrugged it off and walked right past him still reading her book. He grabbed her by the arm causing her book to fall into a muddy puddle. He pulled her back towards him, she stood in front of him. The muddy puddle was behind him and he started talking "So, I was wondering...want me to walk you home?". She just stared at him with her bored and dull blue eyes and stepped a little to her right and just stared at her book with a bland expression and walked towards her book and picked it up. She saw brown-ish water spill from her book and all the pages were wet. Adrien then gulped he then remembered what happened the last time someone was the reason to her books being destroyed.


"Yo! Marinette watch where you are going!" He then put his foot in front of her and she tripped and her book fell into the water "Oops.." He said, she picked it up and just stared at it. The whole school laughed at her. She then turned back to the guy who tripped her, he was laughing really hard. She then took him by his foot and swung his to the other side, he landed face flat on the muddy puddle. She then walked on top of him as if her was a carpet, so she wouldn't have to step into the puddle. He was sent to the hospital because he had broken his nose and foot.

{End of Flashback, back to the present}

She then turned around and punched him but...he dodged her fist. When he looked back at her she kicked him into where the sun doesn't shine. And calmly said "No thank you, but I can walk you to the hospital the next time you ruin my book, if you can even walk when I'm done with you.". With that she just walked off. He held on to his groin in pain. He held back the tears, it really did hurt a lot! The entire school stared and all of the Adrien Agreste fans did too. All the girls ran over to him to see if he was ok, by the time he knew it she was long gone and he was being crowded.


"Ugh, that annoying kid. Whats-his-name asked me if he can walk me home! Yea, right! He ruined my book!" She took her pillow and threw it at the wall. "He ruined my book!" She repeated. "The next time he tries to humiliate me I will be prepared." She thought.

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