Inner Thoughts and a Double Date!

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{Next Day}

Today was Monday which meant school. . . Marinette and Adrien both woke up due to Marinette's extremely loud alarm clock.

They fed their kittens and got ready. Marinette got out some bread and peanut butter. She made peanut butter sandwiches for her and Adrien. Even though Adrien had lived in her house for two days now, he still couldn't get used to the simple breakfast that was given to him. "Such a small portion!". He whined like a little kid. "Get used to it. That's what the people of our "class" eat." She snapped. "Okay, okay Geez!" He gave in. They both bit into their sandwiches at the same time and chewed. They repeated the process a few times until the sandwich finished.

They left for school after changing, though Marinette decided to wear something a bit different! She tried out a new style. She wore a pink crop top and white shorts with converses to school. Adrien decided to change too. He wore a plain black shirt and jeans also with converses. To their surprise, Marinette and Adrien had the exact same shoes! Black converses!

They walked into school together but separated almost immediately cause of Adrien's remaining fan girls. There were less than usual but there were still some.

"Is it true that you ran away?"

"You're so handsome!"

"Did your father kick you out?"

"You can come live with me!"

"I'm your biggest fan!"

Marinette joined Alya, who was talking to Nino. Alya waved at Marinette and then freaked out at the new outfit! "OMG! GURL! YOU LOOK SO GOOD IN THAT!" She squealed. "Thank you." Said Marinette. Nino simply gave her a thumbs up. The three of them turned to where Adrien was and saw him being toppled over by about twenty girls! "Okay guys. . . I need to go now!" He said in a rush, wanting to join Marinette. "We'll come with you!" They cheered. "He doesn't need to be walked by idiotic fan girls." Said Marinette. Adrien screamed like a little girl but then covered his mouth with his hand. "You scared me! How did you get here?!" He asked, still trembling. "I teleported." She said, her voice filled with sarcasm. "Really. . ?" He said, astonished. "No you idiot. I walked here." She said as she sighed. "Oh." Was all he could muster. She grabbed his hand and he blushed fifty shades of red as she dragged him across the school, towards Alya and Nino, leaving twenty fan girls glaring daggers at her. Adrien kept on blushing like crazy but he stopped once Nino began talking. "Adrien, I had recently asked Alya out on a date and she said yes but didn't want to go alone with me and wanted to bring Marinette with her but Marinette refused to be the third wheel who disturbed our date and so we wanted to ask you if you were okay with taking Marinette out with you." He said, out of breath. Marinette didn't expect this! "Wha...? No!" Said Marinette. "C'mon Marinette, it's for them!" He said. 'No its not...' He thought. "It'll be fun!" More like fun for me. You're basically forcing her.' He thought again. "Just as friends!" He said, fingers crossed. 'You obviously aren't taking her out on a friendly date.' He thought to himself.

"Fine. I'll go. . ." She said, hesitantly.

As if on cue, the bell rang and everyone rushed to their classes.

{After school}

Marinette and Adrien both went home to get ready for their date in a few hours. Seven o'clock was when they had to be at the cinema.

{At home}

"Adrien, do you want to be late?" She asked, tapping her foot impatiently. "It's called being Fashionably Late!" He said on the other side of the door. Marinette internally groaned. He came out and took a look ay her face. She was clearly irritated and frustrated. She was already ready! "And they say girls take too long to prepare." She mumbled. She had her hair in a pony tail and she put on a black crop top with green cat eyes and she put on black shorts. 'She looks so cute in that. . .' He thought. . . Out loud. "Uh. . ." Marinette looked at him, in an awkward manner. "Did I just say that out lou--" Adrien was cut off but Marinette with a "Yes.". "Oh . . ." He mumbled and then laughed it off. "April fools!" He laughed awkwardly. "It's not even April." Said Marinette with a straight face. "What an idiot. I have lost hope in this generation. . ." Mumbled Marinette.

{After 30 minutes}

"Lets go!" Yelled Marinette as she stopped a cab. "I'm coming!" He yelled in return as he locked the bakery's door. "I don't want to look like a bad friend!" Said Marinette as she got into the cab. "Okay, okay Im coming!" He said as he climbed in. The cab driver looked at them as if they were psychos. "Are you two dating?" Asked the cab driver as he began to drive. "No." They both answered in unsion. "Oh. . . I see. Sorry, just thought you guys were since. . .". Marinette blushed but not as hard as Adrien did. He was flustered. Marinette rubbed her temples. "Why does every one assume that we are dating. . .?" She mumbled to herself. "Maybe cause we'd make a good match." Said Adrien as he wiggled his eye brows."Oh shut up. . ." She said as she slapped his shoulder, playfully.

After a ten minute drive, they both stopped at the cinema and got out. Marinette decided to pay as Adrien said he wanted to. They got into an argument as to who was going to pay. Marinette ended up winning and paying for the ride. They kept on arguing as they waited for Alya and Nino to arrive.

Nino and Alya had finally arrived only to find Marinette arguing with Adrien. Something about money and a cab. (We can all guess) Nino stared at them both as Alya decided she was going to stop this. "You both argue like a married old couple!" She said as she pushed through them. They both blushed for the second time that night!

They bought tickets and went inside the theatre but only after buying popcorn and drinks. Adrien found out that Marinette liked the same type of popcorn he did! Caramel.

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