The Truth

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Marinette ran around frantically searching for Chloe! "Come on, where are you Chloe?" She said to herself. Marinette kept walking around. She turned around when she heard Alya calling out to her. "Marinette! Come here! I found them!" She yelled. Marinette ran over to Alya and she pointed towards a bus. The bus had Chloe sitting in it. There was Lila waving goodbye
to her. Chloe had tear stains on her cheeks.
Marinette ran towards the bus and saw Mrs. Bustier talking to the bus driver, probably telling him what she had done.
Marinette walked over towards Mrs. Bustier, her legs trembling. She took a deep breath and then tapped Mrs. Bustier's shoulder while she was mid-conversation. Mrs. Bustier turned around and smiled at Marinette. "Um. . . Mrs. Bustier I did it." She said. "Did what?" She blinked as her smile dropped. "I was the one who put oil into Lila's hair. And I'm sorry." She said. Lila turned towards Marinette when she heard her confession. Her face stirred with anger. "So you were the genius behind that little joke." She said as she put her hand on her hip. Marinette looked at Chloe, who seemed shocked. Mrs. Bustier stared at Marinette in shock. "But Marinette, Chloe already admitted it that she did it." Said Mrs. Bustier. "No Mrs. Bustier. I was the one who did this. I felt bad for what Lila did to Chloe a few nights ago." Said Marinette. "And what did Lila do?" Asked Mrs. Bustier, growing slightly suspicious. "She dared Chloe to take her precious things and get them dirty. She made Chloe cry and humiliated her in front of everyone that night!" She said and then glared at Lila for a moment and then faced Mrs. Bustier once more. Mrs. Bustier was simply in shock. She never could have imagined Marinette doing this! "So Chloe is not guilty AT ALL, right?" Asked Mrs. Bustier. "Yes, she's not guilty. She didn't even know!" Added Marinette. Mrs. Bustier snapped her fingers and Chloe came running out of the bus. She hugged Marinette and so Marinette hugged back. They both sighed of relief. "But, this does no excuse your actions, Ms. Cheng."Said Mrs. Bustier. Chloe stopped hugging Marinette and they both faced the teacher. "I understand." Nodded Marinette. "You will be sent home. Pack your things and come back here in ten minutes." Said Mrs. Bustier, firmly.

Marinette went back to her cabin and told everyone the story as she was packing.
They gave Marinette a group hug and then she left.

Marinette plopped down in the bus' seat. She felt drained and her heart ached. She really didn't want to be left out. She began imagining all of the things she would miss.
The driver put the bus keys into the ignition and tried to start up the bus, but it failed. Marinette looked at the driver and saw him attempting to start up the bus. She sighed. 'Maybe I might be able to stay. . .' Thought Marinette. The driver got up from his seat and took his cap off. He threw his cap on his seat in frustration. Marinette felt a smile trying to curl up her lips but she didn't smile- just in case the driver would see. "Come on. The bus isn't working. Go tell Mrs. Bustier." Said the driver.
Marinette grabbed her beach bag and ran out of the bus with her flip flops.

"What do you mean the bus isn't working?" Asked Mrs. Bustier. "I mean it just isn't. I think it may have run out of oil." Shrugged Marinette. Mrs. Bustier groaned and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Why now. . ?" She mumbled.
She went into deep though as to how to punish Marinette for her actions. "Hmm. . ." She thought. An idea suddenly came into her mind! "Fine. You can stay since the bus isn't working," Began Mrs. Bustier. Marinette smiled. "But,". Marinette knew there was a catch! "You can't leave the cabin for two days." She finished. "So, like house arrest?" Asked Marinette, as she tilted her head to the side. Mrs. Bustier nodded.
Marinette thanked Mrs. Bustier and left Mrs. Bustier's main cabin.

She ran to her cabin. Cabin number four. As she was running she saw Chloe talking to Alya by the beach. They both seemed to be pretty upset. She saw Nino leave the cabin and run over to them. She shrugged and walked into her cabin. There she saw Adrien sitting on his bed and looking at his feet, not noticing her. She cleared her throats and he looked up. His eyes widened in shock. He smiled from ear to ear and jumped up from his bed! He greeted her by giving her a bone crushing hug! She was barely able to breathe. "A - Adrien, I - I can't breathe!" She tried to say. He let go of her and apologised. "So sorry Marinette! It's just that I had missed you so much!" He rambled. "I was only gone for thirty minutes!" She laughed. "But it felt like forever without you around! Everyone else was upset too. I shooed them out of the cabin and told them to go enjoy their field trip." He said. "Well, why are you still here then?" She smiled, thinking he'll give her a stupid reply. "I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself without you." He said as she sat down on his bed. He went and sat beside her. He curled his arm around her waist and she felt it. She looked down and blushed but decided not to ruin the moment and make things awkward. She smiled to herself and put her arm around his neck. She placed her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. He simply sighed, staring through the open door. He saw the waves crashing against the shore. The ocean seemed to stretch out forever. It was such an amazing sight. She opened her eyes when she heard him sigh. She looked at his eyes and saw him staring out of the door. She followed his gaze and saw the amazing beach. She then sighed as well. "I love you just as much as I love that scenery." She said not realising what she had said. But the moment she had realised what she had said, she clasped her free hand over her mouth and began to blush. He then replied saying: "I love you more than that scenery.". He then pecked her cheek and he face turned even more red, if possible. He simply chuckled. Adrien loved it when Marinette found something embarrassing and blushed. He found it cute, though Marinette hated blushing.

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